Newport Beach ACM SIGSOFT 2004/FSE-12
Welcome Call for Participation Call for Participation







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Participate in SIGSOFT 2004/FSE–12!

SIGSOFT 2004 brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange new results related to both traditional and emerging fields of software engineering. SIGSOFT 2004 will feature four workshops, one day of tutorials organized through the Educator's Grant Program (EGP), a student resarch forum with posters, along with FSE-12. (CfP can also be downloadedPDF)

FSE-12 will be held Tuesday-Thursday, November 2-4. We are pleased to announce the keynotes:

  • Alexander L. Wolf, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
  • Joe Marks, Director, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, USA 
  • SIGSOFT Distinguished Research Award winner 2004


SIGSOFT 2004 will feature four workshops: WOSS ‘04, SAVCBS ‘04, WISER, and QUTE SWAP.


SIGSOFT 2004 will feature one day of tutorials, organized by the Educator's Grant Program (EGP) Co-Chairs.

Educators Grant Program

The Educators Grant Program (EGP) is designed to help increase the participation of women and minorities in software engineering. The EGP program will fund faculty from institutions with a large minority or female student enrollment to attend FSE-12 and two special half-day tutorials targeted, but not limited, to this group. This program will build on the successful SIGSOFT 2002 EGP.

Student Research Forum

SIGSOFT 2004 will also feature a Student Research Forum with posters. This Forum provides an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students attending SIGSOFT 2004 to present and discuss their research at poster a session. This 2-hour evening reception event will feature concurrent short presentations by student participants organized in poster formats.SIGSOFT 2004 attendees, including non-students, will be able to wander among the posters and talk to the students about their research.

Students presenting posters are encouraged to apply for funding through the ACM SIGSOFT CAPS program.

Submission deadline: August 1

SIGSOFT 2004 Schedule

SAVCBS '04, WOSS '04 October 31–November 1
Tutorials November 1
FSE–12 November 2–4
student research forum November 2

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