- The proceedings
is available as an ISR Technical
Report UCI-ISR-02-1.
- A list of attendees is available.
- Presentation slides are on the program.
- A workshop summary report*
is available, and will appear in the ASE
2002 Conference Proceedings.
*"This material is presented
to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work.
Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by
other copyright holders. All persons copying this information
are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by
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The Conference on Automated
Software Engineering (ASE) had its origins in the notion of
a knowledge-based software assistant [GLB+86].
Over the years, the community of researchers into knowledge-based
approaches witnessed an evolution both in the kinds of software
that were being developed and in the understanding of how that software
could be developed. Software applications became more interactive.
They could involved groups of collaborators over geographic distance
and varieties of hardware and deployment environments. The understanding
of software development evolved and the role of human developers
became clearer [Bro87]. For some tasks,
automation was more cost-effective. For others, keeping the human
designer in the loop was the best approach [Fis92].
Thus, the notion of an automated, knowledgeable assistant gradually
gave way to a more general notion of automated tools. Still, within
the ASE community, and with many other researchers worldwide, an
important approach to software engineering bases automation on representations
of software systems under development. The level of abstraction
and style of these representations as well the degree of automation
achievable varies greatly.
This Workshop on the State of the Art in Automated Software Engineering
seeks to bring together leading researchers in the field to present
their most recent or best work exemplifying automation in software
within the context described above. How much automation is possible
with what kinds of representation? How do application domains affect
what is possible or useful? What improvements are achieved over
less automated approaches? These are some of the issues that may
be addressed. It would also be interesting to hear "negative"
positions discussed, such as whether the current state-of-the-art
in tools represents a loss of sophistication and usefulness over
past achievements. The workshop will be held one day before the
program committee meeting for the ASE Conference.
As with the main conference, specific discussion may range over
a variety of specific research areas.
- Reasoning techniques
- Software specification
- Software design and synthesis
- Category & Graph-theoretic approaches
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Domain modeling and meta-modeling
- Human computer interaction
- Knowledge acquisition
- Maintenance and evolution
- Modeling language semantics
- Ontologies and methodologies
- Program understanding
- Re-engineering
- Reflection- and Metadata approaches
- Requirements engineering
- Reuse
- Software architectures
- Testing
- Tutoring, help, documentation systems
- Verification and validation
The submission phase is closed.
[GLB+86] C. Green, D. Luckham, R. Balzer, T. Cheatham, C. Rich,
Report on a Knowledge-Based Software Assistant, Technical Report
RADC-TR-83-195, Rome Air Development Center, August 1983, Reprinted
in: C.H. Rich, R. Waters (eds.): 'Readings in Artificial Intelligence
and Software Engineering', Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Los Altos,
CA, pp. 377-428, 1986.
[Bro87] Frederick P. Brooks. No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accident
in Software Engineering, IEEE Computer 20(4):10-19, April 1987.
[Fis92] Fischer G, Domain-oriented design environments, Proceedings
of the Seventh Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (McLean,
Virginia), pp. 204-213, 1992.