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Projects Active in 2019

We are on the cusp of a major opportunity: software tools that take advantage of Big Code. Specifically, Big Code will enable novel tools in areas such as security enhancers, bug finders, and code synthesizers. What do researchers need from Big Code to make progress on their tools? Our answer is an infrastructure that consists of 100,000 executable Java programs together with a set of working tools and an environment for building new tools.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
March 2019

The utility of a smartphone is limited by its battery capacity and the ability of its hardware and software to efficiently use the device’s battery. To properly characterize the energy consumption of an app and identify energy defects, it is critical that apps are properly tested, i.e., analyzed dynamically to assess the app’s energy properties. However, currently there is a lack of testing tools for evaluating the energy properties of apps. We present COBWEB, a search-based energy testing technique for Android.

Project Dates: 
September 2018

The current security mechanisms for Android apps, both static and dynamic analysis approaches, are insufficient for detection and prevention of the increasingly dynamic and sophisticated security attacks.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
January 2018

The absence of explicit architectural constructs in mainstream programming languages has prevented software developers from achieving the many benefits of architecture-based development. To address this issue, Java 9 has introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), resulting in the first instance of modules with rich software architectural interfaces added to a mainstream programming language. JPMS aims to support the encapsulation, security, and maintainability of Java applications and the JDK.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
November 2017

Android is the dominant mobile platform with 85% market share, as of the first quarter of 2017. At the same time, the number and sophistication of malicious Android apps are increasin.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
July 2017

Multi-criteria test-suite minimization aims to remove redundant test cases from a test suite based on some criteria such as code coverage, while trying to optimally maintain the capability of the reduced suite based on other criteria such as fault-detection effectiveness. Existing techniques addressing this problem with integer linear programming claim to produce optimal solutions. However, the multi-criteria test-suite minimization problem is inherently nonlinear, due to the fact that test cases are often dependent on each other in terms of test-case criteria.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
July 2017

Permission-induced attacks, i.e., security breaches enabled by permission misuse, are among the most critical and frequent issues threatening the security of Android devices. By ignoring the temporal aspects of an attack during the analysis and enforcement, the state-of-the-art approaches aimed at protecting the users against such attacks are prone to have low-coverage in detection and high-disruption in prevention of permission-induced attacks. To address the aforementioned shortcomings, we present Terminator, a temporal permission analysis and enforcement framework for Android.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
July 2017

Although a wide variety of approaches identify vulnerabilities in Android apps, none attempt to determine exploitability of those vulnerabilities. Exploitability can aid in reducing false positives of vulnerability analysis, and can help engineers triage bugs. Specifically, one of the main attack vectors of Android apps is their inter-component communication (ICC) interface, where apps may receive messages called Intents.

Research Area(s): 
Project Dates: 
January 2017
