Call for Papers
Important Dates:
Workshop Date:
July 25, 2005
8:30am - 5:30pm
March 7, 2005
Submission deadline
April 7, 2005
Author notification
May 27, 2005
Camera-ready due
Call for Papers
The workshop will look at, e.g., the following questions:
- How much personal data do individual personalization methods really
need? Can we find out in advance or in hindsight what types of data
contribute to reasonably successful personalization in a specific application
domain, and restrict data collection to these types of data?
- Is client-side personalization a possible answer to privacy concerns
and legal restrictions? What technical, legal and business obstacles
will have to be overcome?
- In what way should the user be involved in privacy decisions? What
does appropriate notice and choice look like, and what rights must and
should be granted?
- Will we need trusted third parties, and what services will we need
them to provide?
- How much can we benefit from anonymity or pseudonymity infrastructures,
and are there limits that should be observed?
- Are distributed user models an answer or a problem from a privacy
- Does personalization in a mobile context pose additional challenges?
How can they be overcome?
- Do mobile user models pose additional privacy problems?
- How can multi-user personalized systems cater to the privacy constraints
of each individual user?
- What should an ideal legal framework look like from the perspective
of privacy-enhanced personalization?
- Are special provisions necessary in the case of people with disabilities
and student-adaptive educational systems?
Two types of contributions are invited:
- Papers describing (ongoing) work on one or more of the topics for
the workshop (8 page maximum)
- Position statements regarding one or more of the topics for the workshop
(2 page maximum)
Each paper and position statement will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Accepted contributions will be published in the workshop proceedings and
will be available on the Web before the workshop. Depending on the quality
of the accepted papers, a post-conference book publication is also envisaged.
Please refer to the submission page
about how to submit your paper or/and position statement. The submission
deadline is Monday, March 7, 2005.