Graduate Student Information

Posters can be: 

    • printed on a foam board; 
    • printed on paper, and rolled up; 
    • printed on paper, laminated, and rolled up;
    • or you can even just print sheets of paper and adhere them to foam boards.

Your advisor is responsible for covering the cost of poster production. (So that may impact the kind of poster you make.)

The posters can be any size you want. So if you or your group might use this poster for other purposes (such as a conference), then you can go by those requirements and reuse your poster for the Forum.

But if you are making it specifically for the Forum, these are the typical sizes:

    • 24" x 36"
    • 30" x 40"

Posters can even be larger, but the 24"x36" version is the most common at the ISR Forum.

ISR has white foam boards that can be used for displaying a rolled-up poster. ISR will provide black clips and push pins. If you use an ISR foam board, you should not use any other means to attach your poster to the foam board (tape and glue damage the poster boards). ISR's foam boards are 24"x35" and 30"x40".  A rolled-up poster doesn't have to match that size perfectly - it's ok for it to hang over the edges a bit, or to be a bit smaller . 

If you will print out sheets of paper, you might consider buying a colored foam board at an office supply store or Walmart/Target. White sheets of paper look nice against a colored background. Colored foam boards are typically 20"x30", which is smaller than the ISR foam boards. Or, you can reuse a white ISR foam board, which would be larger.

You are welcome to come and look at some of the posters (and posterboards) that we have from prior years to see what they look like. Contact Assistant Director Debi Brodbeck.

ISR will provide easels which you can rest your poster board on (i.e. they do not have clips at the top). The easels stand on the floor, but can be shortened and put on a table if you need a table, e.g. if you plan to also do a demo. 

Here are some places that print posters: