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Welcome to the 2018 ISR Research Forum! This one-day event brings together researchers, leaders in industry, and technical practitioners in a multi-disciplinary environment to: discuss research and trends in the fields of software development and interactive and collaborative technologies; showcase current ISR research; and formulate visions on strategic future research and technological directions. We encourage interaction among academia and industry through exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences. Our goal is to foster relationships, stimulate collaborative research, and encourage technology transition. ISR research emphases span a broad range of areas from collaboration technology, to software testing, to software architecture, and more. Impacts from our past projects have been many and highly significant: we hope you will join us as we look to the future and explore new ideas and new applications.
Cristina Videira Lopes, ISR Interim Director

The ISR Research Forum program featured 2 Keynote talks, 6 Short Talks by faculty members, an Open House over lunch with Posters and Demos, and a Reception to close the day. Details are avilable on the Program pages. 

Videos of most faculty presentations have been posted to the program session pages.

View our photo albums to see pictures from the day.


Download PDF of the Final Program:  

Download a Forum Flyer here: ISR-2018-Forum-Flyer.pdf