Student Updates

Jungyoun Ku (J. Jones, advisor) interned last summer at Google in Mountain View, CA where she designed new data structures and implemented validators, parsers, and utility functions to support new types of geolocation surveys.

Yi-xian Ethan Chen (C. Lopes, advisor) interned last summer at Petabi Inc., in Irvine, CA where he: developed a tool to automate mutation and to enumerate combinations of parameters of controlled attacks; developed a web front end to manage this tool; and developed an algorithm and software to extract hierarchical structure of text features from corpus and to mine for general synonyms and hypernyms.

Di Yang (C. Lopes, advisor) interned at SRI International at Menlo Park, CA during the summer, under the supervision of Dr. Natarajan Shankar. The internship involved mining the most interesting API patterns from API call sequences in Github repos, and mining the most typical answers of the same category from Stack Overflow posts. Her internship was funded by the DARPA MUSE program.

Adriana Meza Soria (A. van der Hoek, advisor) has been awarded a UC MEXUSCONACYT Doctoral Fellowship. Soria also participated in the UCI Competitive Edge Summer Research Program which supports entering graduate students from diverse backgrounds who plan to pursue a doctoral or M.F.A. degree.

Rahmadi Trimananda (B. Demsky, advisor) interned this summer at Xilinx in San Jose, CA where he conducted research on the Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) toolchain and developed a prototype of cutting edge debugging features (using compiler techniques) in the newly developed SDx tool chain.

Noopur Raval (P. Dourish, advisor) has been selected as a Technology, Law and Society Fellow (total 5 fellows) by the UCI School of Social Sciences. Raval also presented her paper “‘They are like personalized mini-Googles’: Seeking Information on Facebook Groups” at the 51st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences in January. The paper is co-authored by Dr. Preeti Mudliar, IIIT-B, and was nominated for the Best Paper Award.

Reyhaneh Jabbarvand’s (S. Malek, advisor) paper “μDroid: An Energy-Aware Mutation Testing Framework for Android” has been accepted to ESEC/FSE’17 to be held in Paderborn, Germany in Sept. The paper is co-authored by her advisor, Prof. Sam Malek. In May, she presented her thesis, “Advancing Energy Testing of Mobile Applications,” at the ICSE’17 Doctoral Symposium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jabbarvand also served as an artifact evaluation committee member for both ISSTA’17 and FSE’17.

Di Yang (C. Lopes, advisor) presented her paper “Stack Overflow in Github: Any Snippets There?” at the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR’17), held in May in Buenos Aires, Argentina, co-located with ICSE’17. The paper is co-authored by Assistant Project Scientist Pedro Martins, Ph.D. student Vaibhav Saini, and their advisor Prof. Crista Lopes.

Chris Wolf (P. Dourish, advisor) gave a presentation in April at Northwestern University’s graduate student conference InfoSocial 2017 entitled “Data Close and Far: Exploring Human-Data Interaction Through the Case of Mobile Work".

Nicole Crenshaw (B. Nardi, advisor) received “Excellent Reviewer Recognition” for CHI 2017 paper reviews. She defended her dissertation and graduated in June. Congrats!

Daniel Gardner (B. Nardi, advisor) presented the paper “Chat Speed OP: Practices of Coherence in Massive Twitch Chat” at CHI 2017 held in Denver, CO in May. The paper is co-authored by Colin Ford (first author), Leah Horgan, Calvin Liu, a.m. tsaasan, Gardner’s advisor Prof. Bonnie Nardi, and Jordan Rickman. Gardener also received a GAANN fellowship for Winter and Spring quarters.
