Student Updates

Adriana Meza Soria (A. van der Hoek, advisor) attended the International Software Architecture Ph.D. School 2018 (iSAPS) which was held April 23-26 in Leiden, The Netherlands.

Reyhaneh Jabbarvand (S. Malek, advisor) has been awarded a Google Ph.D. Fellowship in programming technology and software engineering. She is one of just 39 new Google Fellows from North America, Europe and the Middle East. Fellows both receive financial support and are matched with a Google Research Mentor. Read more about Jabbarvand's award in this ICS news story.

Samantha McDonald (B. Nardi, advisor) has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. McDonald is researching how the presence and use of information and communications technology affect how staffers in Congress manage contact from constituents and how those systems reflect deeper ideas of citizen engagement within a digitally mediated democracy. You can read more about McDonal's research in a profile on her by the ICS Dept. of Informatics.

Mengyo Zhao (D. Redmiles, advisor) spent Summer and Fall 2017 quarters as a design research intern at Uber in Seattle. Zhao worked in the Rider Expansion program helping the team understand riders’ mental models and decision making processes for prioritizing transportation methods for activities such as travel, commuting, and attending events.

Hosub Lee (A.Kobsa, advisor) interned last summer at Intel Labs in Santa Clara, CA where he designed and implemented a novel webbased system called IoT Service Store, which enables users to understand the privacy implications of nearby IoT services and accordingly control the inference and usage of their sensitive personal information. Lee plans to deploy IoT Service Store at UCI in ICS Donald Bren Hall and conduct field experiments with real users to collect and analyze their privacyrelated behavioral data generated while using the system.

Farima FarmahiniFarahani (C. Lopes, advisor) was awarded an Anita Borg Scholarship to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2017 which was held in October in Orlando, Florida.

Katherine Lo (P. Dourish, advisor) interned this summer at Instagram in Menlo Park, CA. Lo was a user experience researcher on the Protect and Care team, where she worked with Data Scientist Jess Kubo.

Wen Shen’s (C. Lopes, advisor) paper “Regulating Highly Automated Robot Ecologies” won the Best Student Paper Award at the 5th annual Int’l Conf. on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2017) held in Bielefeld, Germany in October. It was also featured in the German IT magazine Heise online. The paper is co-authored by Alanoud Al Khemeiri, Abdulla Almehrzi, and Wael Al Enezi of Masdar Institute in UAE, Prof. Iyad Rahwan of MIT Media Lab, and Prof. Jacob W. Crandall of Brigham Young Univ.

Reyhaneh Jabbarvand (S. Malek, advisor) presented her paper “μDroid: An Energy-Aware Mutation Testing Framework for Android” at ESEC/FSE’17 in Paderborn, Germany in September. The paper is co-authored by her advisor, Prof. Sam Malek. Jabbarvand received a SIGSOFT CAPS travel grant to attend the conference.

Robert Maldonado (C. Lopes, advisor), an undergraduate student in Director Cristina Lope’s Modego research group, gave a presentation titled “Triggers for Relational Types: A Database Management System” at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) National Conference, Engineering Science Symposium held in Kansas City, MO in November.

Ted Grover (G. Mark, advisor) presented his poster titled “Digital Footprints: Predicting Personality from Temporal Patterns of Technology Use” at the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2017) held in Maui, HI in September.

Leah Horgan (P. Dourish, advisor) has been named an ARCS Foundation Scholar for 2017-18. Horgan also presented her paper “The Organizational Infrastructures of Urban Data” at the 5th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop, held in November in Rome, Italy. The paper is co-authored by her advisor Prof. Paul Dourish.
