Student Updates

Hosub Lee (A. Kobsa, advisor) spent his summer as an intern at Samsung Research America in Mountain View, CA where he designed and implemented a client-server model which identifies a specific object in a image captured by Google Glass, based on deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with transfer learning. His supervisor was Dr. Steven Eliuk.

Byron Hawkins (B. Demsky, advisor) spent his summer as an intern at Google Cambridge MA, working on DynamoRIO, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework for development of dynamic program analysis tools, with Qin Zhao.

Mengyao Zhao (D. Redmiles, advisor) is interning in summer 2015 at Xerox in El Segundo, CA as a UX designer in the Experience Design Group in the Global Development Group. Additionally, Zhao’s paper, “A Brief Perspective on Microtask Crowdsourcing Workflows for Interface Design,” was accepted to the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering, held in May in Florence, Italy in conjunction with ICSE 2015. The paper is co-authored by Prof. André van der Hoek

Byron Hawkins (B. Demsky, advisor) received a Best Student Presentation award at the 2015 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization for his paper titled “Optimizing Binary Translation for Dynamically Generated Code.” The paper is co-authored by his advisor Prof. Brian Demsky and Derek Bruening and Qin Zhao of Google.


Ankita Raturi (D. Richardson, advisor) was a co-organizer of the iConference 2015 Workshop on ICT for Sustainability – Current and Future Research Directions, held in March in Newport Beach, CA. She also served as a student volunteer at the conference.


Lee Martie (A. van der Hoek, advisor) gave a presentation at The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA in June 2015, as part of their TechForum series. His talk was on CodeExchange, a new code search engine developed at UCI which supports an iterative code search process.  Martie also presented his paper “Sameness: An Experiment in Code Search” at the 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) in Florence, Italy in May. The paper is co-authored by his advisor, Prof. André van der Hoek.


Bart Knijnenburg (A. Kobsa, advisor) gave a TEDxUCIrvine presentation titled “How Come They Know So Much About Me?” in May.  A video of his talk is available at: Additionally, Knijnenburg won the second-in-group award at the 2015 UCI Associated Graduate Students (AGS) Symposium in March for his presentation “Interacting with Humanlike Interfaces: Why we love Siri but hate Clippy.”


Maryam Khademi (C. Lopes, advisor) is spending summer 2015 as an intern at Intel in Santa Clara, CA where she will be working on a computer vision project. Her supervisor at Intel is Prasad Modali.


Fernando Spanghero (A. van der Hoek, advisor) is interning in summer 2015 at in Seattle, WA where he is developing software as part of the Retail Systems team. Additionally, Spanghero was on the winning team for the iConference 2015 Social Media Expo. Their entry was titled “Racial Violence Archive: Public Information System on Incidents of Violence during the Civil Rights Period.”  The team’s faculty sponsors were ISR Prof. Alfred Kobsa and UCI Prof. Geoff Ward, in Criminology, Law & Society.


Vijay Krishna Palepu (J. Jones, advisor) is interning in summer 2015 as a software engineer at Microsoft in Redmond, WA with the Office team.  He is focussing on the iPhone app for Microsoft Office Word.


Eugenia Gabrielova (C. Lopes, advisor)  is interning in summer 2015 at SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific in San Diego, in the Cybersecurity Science & Technology division.  She is working on a software testing framework for non-functional software properties, particularly cyber-security.  She hopes to continue this research when she returns to UCI in Fall.  Her SPAWAR mentor is ISR alumnus Jose Romero-Mariona.

Katherine Lo (P. Dourish, advisor) has been awarded the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, which supports women in technology with a $10,000 award as well as an invitation to the annual Google Scholars’ Retreat held at the Googleplex in Mountain View, CA. 

