A common problem in both open source and closed source software development is the checking in of code changes that are not linked to any issues in the issue tracker.
A common problem in both open source and closed source software development is the checking in of code changes that are not linked to any issues in the issue tracker.
On February 8, the Donald Bren School of ICS inducted four alumni into the ICS Hall of Fame. ICS Dean Marios Papaefthymiou presented the awards to the alumni at the Engineering, ICS, and Physical Sciences Hall of Fame Celebration which was held at the Tustin Hangar in Tustin, CA.
In October 2018, the UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) announced the establishment of the Richard N. Taylor Graduate Award in Software Engineering. This is the first award in ICS specifically dedicated to software engineering, and it is altogether fitting to have it dedicated to the most influential software engineering faculty member that ICS has had: Prof. Emeritus Richard N. Taylor.
Inspired by the ICS 50th anniversary, Prof. Emeritus Richard Taylor documented the history of Software Engineering in ICS at UCI. Taylor reached out to faculty members and graduate students from across the past five decades, gathering information – as well as fun anecdotes and fond recollections. The resulting document captures the key events, topics, technical impacts, achievements, activities, and people who have contributed to software engineering’s rich legacy from ICS at UCI.
On October 16th, the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences celebrated its 50th anniversary! ICS was founded in 1968 as a free-standing department, and became the University of California’s first computer science school in 2002.
Prof. Sungdeok Cha of Korea University, Prof. Emeritus Richard N. Taylor, and Kyo C. Kang, Executive Vice President at Samsung Electronics, have co-edited the book titled Handbook of Software Engineering, published by Springer International Publishing in February 2019.
From August 2018 through July 2019, ISR is hosting Prof. Alf Inge Wang, on invitation by his ISR faculty host Prof. Richard Taylor. Wang is a professor in game technology at the Department of Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim Norway.
Congratulations to Prof. Alfred Kobsa and Prof. Bonnie Nardi as they retire from UCI! Kobsa and Nardi have both led distinguished careers with numerous accomplishments along the way.
During his 19 years at UCI, Kobsa conducted research in the areas of user modeling and personalized systems, privacy, usable security, and support for personal health maintenance.
ISR welcomes Prof. Marian Petre, of The Open University in the UK, who is spending two months this year (spread over 4 two-week visits) as a UCI Visiting Distinguished Professor. Recognized for her remarkable contributions to the psychology of programming and design practices in industry, Petre’s core focus while at UCI is a new book with her close collaborator, ISR Professor André van der Hoek.