Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes and Prof. Jens Palsberg (UCLA) have been awarded a $1.1 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for their work on “NJR: A Normalized Java Resource” in which they will work with collaborators from five countries to build a community resource of executable Java programs.
Read more about it here:
September 2018Prof. Hadar Ziv and Prof. Sameer Patil (Indiana University Bloomington) have been awarded a $283,961 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for their research on “Incorporating Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Learning Within Undergraduate Capstone Courses.”
September 2018Dr. Joshua Garcia, now an Assistant Professor in the ICS Department of Informatics, presented his paper “Lightweight, Obfuscation-Resilient Detection and Family Identification of Android Malware” at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICS 2018), held May 27 - June 3 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The paper is co-authored by Ph.D. student Mahmoud Hammad and Prof. Sam Malek. This paper was accepted as an ICSE journal first paper, and was published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 26 (3), January 2018.
July 2018Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes was recognized as a Dean’s Honoree for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at UCI’s 25th Annual Celebration of Teaching.
July 2018Prof. Alfred Kobsa received the ICS Dean’s Award for Research. Kobsa was recognized as a pioneer in the area of user modeling in human-computer interaction. Kobsa’s research addresses issues in security and privacy for end users, specifically helping users make choices about their privacy settings.
July 2018Prof. André van der Hoek will be hosting visiting professor Eduardo Almeida, from the Federal University of Bahia - Ondina Campus, Brazil, for a year starting in September. Together, they plan to study the work of software architects, how they view and use existing design tools and notations, and what may be done to assist them in their work.
July 2018Prof. Gloria Mark is co-PI on an $8M IARPA grant, “A Comprehensive Approach to Modeling Job Performance via Unobtrusive, Continuous, Multimodal Sensing,” with six collaborating universities.
July 2018NEW! The Donald Bren School of ICS has launched a professional Master of Software Engineering (MSE) program. Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes is serving as Faculty Director. Read more about it in this article from the Spring/Summer 2018 ISR Connector newsletter.
July 2018Assistant Project Scientist Pedro Martins’ paper titled “50K-C: A dataset of compilable, and compiled, Java projects” was presented at Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2018), co-located with ICSE 2018, in May in Gothenburg, Sweden. The paper is co-authored by Prof. Cristina Lopes and Ph.D. student Rohan Achar (C. Lopes, advisor).
July 2018The paper titled “Complex Mediation in Formation of Political Opinions,” authored by alumnus Dr. Yubo Kou, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Purdue University, and Prof. Bonnie Nardi, received an Honorable Mention Award at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), held in April in Montreal, Canada.
July 2018