Prof. Alfred Kobsa with ICS Prof. Gene Tsudik and Cognitive Science Prof. Bruce Berg have been awarded $239,634 by the National Science Foundation for their work on "Unattended/Automated Studies of Effects of Auditory Distractions on Users Performing Security-Critical Tasks."
September 2015Post-doctoral researcher Hamid Bagheri, Ph.D. student Alireza Sadeghi, post-doctoral researcher Joshua Garcia, and Prof. Sam Malek have published their paper “COVERT: Compositional Analysis of Android Inter-App Permission Leakage” in the journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 41 (9), 2015.
September 2015Prof. James A. Jones has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
July 2015Prof. Crista Lopes' book, Exercises in Programming Style, has been named Best Programming Book of the Decade in a Software Development (SD) Times review by columnist Larry O'Brien. At the review's end, O'Brien proclaims: “'Exercises in Programming Styles' is an instant classic. I honestly cannot think of a more enlightening and more valuable text that’s been published since the turn of the century. The hardest part about reviewing it is coming up with a way to say 'Every developer should read this book' in a way that doesn’t come across as clichéd and rote. Seriously. Every developer should read this book."
July 2015Prof. André van der Hoek and Walt Scacchi gave invited presentations at the Microsoft Research Software Engineering Mix in Seattle in July. van der Hoek’s presentation was titled “Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering” and Scacchi’s was titled “Open Source Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities.”
July 2015Prof. Crista Lopes has been awarded $465,040 from the National Science Foundation for her research on "An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Large-Scale Urban Simulations."
July 2015Prof. Hadar Ziv contributed to a free MOOC prepared by UCI Extension in conjunction with the TV show The Strain on FX Network. Three learning modules are featured in the online course; Ziv's module is on cybersecurity.
June 2015Prof. Walt Scacchi and Kendra M.L. Cooper have co-edited the book Computer Games and Software Engineering which was released in May.
June 2015Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes’ book Exercises in Programming Style has been included on the Computing Reviews (CR) 19th Annual Best of Computing list, a compilation of the most interesting books and articles published in 2014.
May 2015Postdoctoral research associate Thomas LaToza co-chaired the Second International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE), held at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in Florence, Italy in May.
May 2015