The CSCW 2016 Lasting Impact Award was presented to ISR Prof. Paul Dourish and Victoria Bellotti of PARC for their CSCW 1992 paper, Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces. Congratulations!
March 2016Prof. Walt Scacchi has been awarded a $117,658 research grant from the Naval Postgraduate School, Acquisition Research Program for 2016-17, for his project titled, "Achieving Better Buying Power for Mobile Open Architecture Software Systems Through Diverse Acquisition Strategies." ISR Research Associate Thomas Alspaugh is assisting in the project. This award represents the tenth consecutive grant that Scacchi has received from the NPS ARP annual research program competition.
February 2016Prof. Paul Dourish has been named a 2015 ACM Fellow for contributions in social computing and human-computer interaction. The ACM Fellow, ACM's most prestigious member grade, recognizes the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.
December 2015Prof. Walt Scacchi will be giving a tutorial titled “Beyond Open Architecture: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Open Source Software Development (OSSD) for Aerospace and Defense Applications” at the 2016 Ground System Architectures Worksop (GSAW) in Los Angeles in February.
November 2015Prof. Sam Malek gave an invited talk “Detection and Family Identification of Android Malware” at the NII Shonan Meeting—Mobile App Store Analytics, Kanagawa, Japan.
October 2015Prof. Sam Malek, and Profs. Daniel A. Menasce and Hassan Gomaa at GMU, have been awarded $1,016,641 by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) for their research on “RASS: Resilient Autonomic Software Systems."
October 2015Prof. Bonnie Nardi gave a keynote talk at the ICT4S Conference in Copenhagen titled “Priorities for ICT4S: What We Can Do For a Future of Descent.”
September 2015Prof. André van der Hoek gave an invited talk, “Design and Crowdsourcing” in September at the Southern California Society for Information Management, Long Beach.
September 2015Prof. Paul Dourish has been awarded $363,823 by the National Science Foundation for his work on Security as an Everyday Practical Concern.
September 2015Prof. Alfred Kobsa, ICS Profs. Sharad Mehrotra and Nalini Venkatasubramanian, and a team from Honeywell have been awarded a $4.92M DARPA Brandeis grant for the installation of a “Privacy Cognizant IoT Environment” at UCI.
September 2015