      TWIST 99

The Workshop on
Internet-scale Software Technologies

Internet-scale Namespaces

August 19-20, 1999

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California, USA

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TWIST 99 aims to gather participants from industry and academia who are researching or developing software technologies that scale to the Internet. Internet-scale namespaces have emerged as a crucial issue in scaling software and network technologies to the numbers of people, devices, and agents online. Every namespace, from MIME type to stock symbol to domain name, represents a bundle of political, economic, social, and technical decisions. Many namespaces are bumping into new limits to growth: human-friendly names for Web resources, the domain name service, public key infrastructures (PKI), and ad-hoc federation of embedded computers a la Jini, to name four. These are not merely limits of sheer massiveness: the latest generation of commercial directory servers claim to vend hundreds of millions of names with ease, as do planetary-scale Web search engines.

The TWIST series provides a forum for discussion and enables quick dissemination of current ideas within a well-targeted audience. The goals of the workshop series are developing a better understanding among the different communities of interest, improved definition of requirements for scaling to the Internet, better appreciation of the application domains that require or benefit from this approach, and suggestions for fruitful research directions.

This engaging two-day workshop is being convened with the following goals in mind:

New challenges specific to Internet scale include:

TWIST 99 is a two day event with a single track of invited speakers structured as:

Thursday, August 19: Presentations on Internet-Scale Namespaces
Friday, August 20: Intensive group work to develop scenarios of Internet scale naming, and
                                            identify cross-cutting issues for Internet scale namespaces.

The current list of speakers includes:

Mark Day, Lotus Development, People, Devices, States: Some Naming Problems in
                                                                Presence and Instant Messaging
Carl Ellison, Intel Labs (Portland), Namespaces in the Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI)
Roy Fielding, University of California, Irvine, Uniform Resource Identifiers
Michael Gorlick, The Aerospace Corporation, Location Awareness Is Where It's At
Carl E. Hewitt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Like Politics, All Naming Is Local
Rohit Khare, University of California, Irvine, Survey of Internet-scale Namespaces
Mark Kosters, Network Solutions, Massive Scale Name Management: Lessons Learned from the .com Namespace
Larry Masinter, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, A Common Name Resolution Protocol for the Web
Michael Mealling, Network Solutions, Uniform Resource Names: Deploying A New Namespace
R.L. "Bob" Morgan, University of Washington, Namespaces in LDAP Directory Services
Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute (ISI), USC, Event Namespaces within Prospero
Nico Popp, Centraal Corp., Scaling Issues in the RealNames System
Sam Sun, CNRI, Handle System Namespace and its Service Definition

Each presentation will be approximately 30 minutes long with 15 minutes for Q/A (total 45 minutes each).

The Final Program is available. Photos from the workshop are also available.

TWIST '99 is a follow on to the highly successful Workshop on Internet Scale Event Notification (WISEN) held on July 13-14, 1998 at UC Irvine. In response to WISEN's positive reception, IRUS has evolved the event into a workshop series with a broadened scope.

Welcome to TWIST 99!
(Twister mats are optional.)

Gregory Alan Bolcer, Endeavors Technology, Inc., gbolcer@endtech.com

Rohit Khare, University of California, Irvine, rohit@ics.uci.edu

David S. Rosenblum, Chair, University of California, Irvine, dsr@ics.uci.edu

Richard N. Taylor, University of California, Irvine, taylor@ics.uci.edu

E. James Whitehead, University of California, Irvine, ejw@ics.uci.edu


Debra A. Brodbeck, University of California, Irvine, brodbeck@ics.uci.edu


Aileen R. Broccardo, University of California, Irvine, aileen@ics.uci.edu

Aprille Harris, University of California, Irvine, irus2@ics.uci.edu

Debra A. Brodbeck
Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3425
+1 (949) 824-2260

Irvine Research Unit in Software
Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3425