ISR Distinguished Speaker

Tao Xie

Professor and Willett Faculty Scholar
“Intelligent Software Engineering: Synergy between AI and Software Engineering”
Friday, December 7, 2018 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Faculty Host: 
Donald Bren Hall (building #314), room 6011

No cost to attend.

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As an example of exploiting the synergy between AI and software engineering, the field of intelligent software engineering has emerged with various advances in recent years. Such a field broadly addresses issues on intelligent [software engineering] and [intelligence software] engineering. The former, intelligent [software engineering], focuses on instilling intelligence in approaches developed to address various software engineering tasks to accomplish high effectiveness and efficiency. The latter, [intelligence software] engineering, focuses on addressing various software engineering tasks for intelligence software, e.g., AI software. This talk will discuss recent research and future directions in the field of intelligent software engineering.

About the Speaker: 

Tao Xie is a Professor and Willett Faculty Scholar in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He worked as a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research. His research interests are in software engineering, with focus on software testing, software analytics, software security, and intelligent software engineering (the intersection between software engineering and artificial intelligence). He received an NSF CAREER Award, a Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborators Award, Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) Award, a Google Faculty Research Award, an IBM Jazz Innovation Award, and three-time IBM Faculty Awards. He was the ISSTA 2015 PC Chair and will be an ICSE 2021 PC Co-Chair. He has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) and the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), along with an Editorial Board Member of Communications of ACM (CACM). He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and was an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor. He was named an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2015 and an IEEE Fellow in 2018 (after only 10 and 12 years of post-PhD professional experience, respectively). His homepage is at
