Lunch + Open House

12:00 pm to 1:45 pm

Lunch served in DBH 6011 foyer at 12:00.  Take your lunch and eat at the location of your choice.

Open House begins at 12:30!

Attendees will be able to:

  • See demonstrations and posters.
  • Meet with faculty and students.
  • Learn about current research projects.

Come see what's going on at ISR!


Preliminary list of participants:

Dutt Research Group
Prof. Nikil Dutt

Prof. Dutt’s research group has various efforts in the area of embedded systems and computer-aided design, with a specific focus on the exploration, evaluation and design of domain-specific embedded systems spanning both software and hardware. Posters to be presented include:

  • "SPECTR: Formal Supervisory Control and Coordination for Many-core Systems Resource Management" 
    Amir M. Rahmani, Bryan Donyanavard, Tiago Müch, Kasra Moazzemi, Axel Jantsch, Onur Mutlu, and Nikil Dutt


Spider Lab
Prof. James A. Jones


The Spider Lab creates techniques for offering automatic recommendations for common software-maintence tasks. Projects to be presented include:

  • "SpiderSilk: A Test Framework for Distributed Systems with Environmental Failure Injection" 
    Armin Balalaie and James A. Jones
  • "Phase Detection to Assist Software Comprehension" 
    Kaj Dreef, Yang Feng, and James A. Jones
  • "Software Behavior Classification with Multi-label and Problem Transformation Techniques" 
    Yang Feng and James A. Jones


Personalization and Privacy Lab
Prof.  Alfred Kobsa

The personalization and privacy lab conducts research on tailoring human-computer interaction to the needs of each individual user, and on reconciling the benefits that personalization provides with the privacy concerns that it evokes.

  • "Cross-cultural Privacy Prediction" 
    Yao Li, Alfred Kobsa, Bart Knijnenburg (Clemson University), and M-H. Carolyn Nguyen (Microsoft Corporation)


The Mondego Group 
Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes

Theme: Software Systems in the Large

The Mondego group conducts research in large systems and large data.

Posters and demonstrations to be presented include:

  • "Git, but for Objects" 
    Rohan Achar and Crista Lopes
  • "Testing Non-Functional Properties of Distributed Systems" 
    Eugenia Gabrielova and Cristina V. Lopes
  • "50K-C: A dataset of compilable, and compiled, Java projects" 
    Pedro Martins, Crista Lopes, and Rohan Achar
  • "Oreo: Detection of Clones in the Twilight Zone" 
    Vaibhav Saini, Farima FarmahiniFarahani, Yadong Lu, Pierre Baldi, and Cristina Lopes
  • "Sybil-Proof Contests for Strategic Diffusion in Social Networks" 
    Wen Shen, Yang Feng, Ke Yan, and Cristina V. Lopes
  • "An Empirical Study of Dependency among Open-source Java Projects in GitHub" 
    Maruf Zaber and Cristina Lopes
  • "Analyzing Adaptations of Stack Overflow Examples using GitHub" 
    Tianyi Zhang*, Di Yang*, Cristina Lopes, and Miryung Kim (*The two lead authors contribute equally to the work)


Software Engineering and Analysis Lab (SEAL)
Prof. Sam Malek

The Software Engineering and Analysis Lab (SEAL) is broadly engaged in research to automate the software engineering activities, thereby improving the developer productivity as well as the quality of the resulting software.

  • "A Large-Scale Empirical Study on the Effects of Code Obfuscations on Android Apps and Anti-Malware Products" 
    Mahmoud Hammad, Joshua Garcia, and Sam Malek
  • "Nemo: Multi-Criteria Test-Suite Minimization with Integer Nonlinear Programming" 
    Jun-Wei Lin, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, Joshua Garcia, and Sam Malek
  • "A Temporal Permission Analysis and Enforcement Framework for Android"
    Alireza Sadeghi, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, Negar Ghorbani, Hamid Bagheri, and Sam Malek
  • "FAlloy: Modeling with Uncertaintly in Alloy by using Fuzzy Logic"
    Navid Salehnamadi (UCI), Hamid Bagheri (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), and Sam Malek (UCI)


Prof. Gloria Mark's Research Group

Prof. Mark's group studies what is known as social computing: studying how individuals, groups, society and technology mutually influence each other. They are particularly interested in studying how information technology use affects multi-tasking, attention, mood, and above all, stress.

Projects to be presented include:

  • "The Effect of Virtual Agents' Characteristics on User Impressions and Language Use" 
    Fatema Akbar, Ted Grover, Gloria Mark, and Michelle X. Zhou. Presented by Krithika Jagannath.


Software Architecture Research Group (SoftArch)
Prof. Nenad Medvidović, USC

Prof. Medvidović's Software Architecture Research Group (SoftArch)at the University of Southern California is a collaborative research team that focuses on cutting edge research in architectural modeling and analysis, component-based development, architecture-based development for distributed, heterogeneous, and resource constrained devices, architecture-based self-adaptation, and event-based middleware technologies.

Projects to be presented include:

  • "An Empirical Study of Architectural Decay" 
    Duc Le, Daniel Link, Arman Shahbazian, and Nenad Medvidović


Prof. Bonnie Nardi's Research Group

Prof. Nardi's group studies studies technology and social change.

Projects to be presented include:

  • “Addressing Limits through Tracking Food” 
    Meena Devii Muralikumar and Bonnie Nardi


Prof. Sameer Patil, Indiana University Bloomington

Prof. Patil's research interests lie at the intersection of Privacy and Cybersecurity, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Social Computing.

Projects to be presented include:

  • "Understanding Why People Fall for Online Scams" 
    Sameer Patil, Tzipora Halevi, Nasir Memon, and Oded Nov


Prof. David Redmiles

The Collaboration Research in Action, Design, and Learning Laboratory (CRADL) employs an interdisciplinary approach to research phenomena in human collaborative activity. We primarily study collaborative work, and, particularly, software engineering.

Projects to be presented include:

  • "Patterns of Difficulties Related to Learning to Program" 
    Yorah Bosse (University of São Paulo, Brazil), David Redmiles (UCI), and Marco Gerosa (Northern Arizona Universy and University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • "Providing an Auditory Overview of Web Pages for Screen Reader Users" 
    Tao Wang and David Redmiles
  • "Expertise Location in Software Engineering"
    Zhendong Wang (UCI), Yi Wang (Rochester Institute of Technology), and David Redmiles (UCI)


Software Design and Collaboration Laboratory
Prof. André van der Hoek

The Software Design and Collaboration Laboratory focuses on understanding and advancing the roles of design, collaboration, and education in software development.

Projects include:

  • “Toward Collecting and Delivering Knowledge for Software Design at the Whiteboard”
    Adriana Meza and André van der Hoek
  • "Chatbots in Software Engineering" 
    Elahe Paikari and André van der Hoek