ISR Distinguished Speaker

Laurie Williams

Computer Science Department
“Industrial Case Studies of Extreme Programming Teams”
Friday, March 17, 2006 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Faculty Host: 

Email RSVP required to Nancy Myers at by Monday, March 13.

UCI McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium (building #311)

No cost to attend.


Click here for directions and parking information.


With the recent emergence of agile software development technologies, many organizations, small and large, have adopted Extreme Programming (XP) or a subset of its practices. This talk begins by providing a brief comparative introduction between the first version of XP, introduced in 2000, and the more recent version, introduced in 2005. I will then discuss the empirical evaluation of the XP development process in terms of industrial case studies performed at IBM, Sabre and Tekelec. These case studies involve measurement of various product and process measures to compare the XP process with prior processes and a qualitative assessment of the obstacles that were encountered by the teams.  We have seen variations in the practices used by the teams, but all teams have realized a improvement in the quality of their software products.

About the Speaker: 

Dr. Laurie Williams is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University where she leads the Software Engineering Research group.  She received her undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University.  She also received an MBA from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Utah.  Prior to returning to academia to obtain her Ph.D., she worked for IBM for nine years.  Dr. Williams research interests include agile software development, testing, reliability, security, and software process.