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In any non-trivial software system, strong interdependencies exist between requirements and architecture, making it desirable to concurrently specify requirements, explore the impact of design alternatives on requirements, relax and negotiate requirements as needed, and then incrementally emerge an architectural solution that satisfies stakeholders’ competing quality concerns. Unfortunately, practice has shown that architectural knowledge and the rationales for architectural decisions tend to dissipate over time, and as a result developers often inadvertently degrade the quality of the architecture as they perform maintenance tasks on the code.
This problem can be partially addressed by preserving the relationships between requirements, architectural decisions and their realizations in the implemented source code. In this talk, Dr. Cleland-Huang will present a novel approach that utilizes lightweight tracing and machine learning techniques to preserve, generate, and visualize relationships between architecturally significant requirements, architectural tactics, and their realizations in the implemented code. She will also present the Archie Eclipse Plugin which is designed to inform developers of underlying design decisions whenever they modify architecturally sensitive areas of the code.
Jane Cleland-Huang received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2002. She is currently an associate professor in the School of Computing at DePaul University, Chicago, and serves as the North American Director of the International Center of Excellence for Software Traceability. Her research interests emphasize the application of machine learning and information retrieval methods to tackle large-scale Software Engineering problems, with special emphasis on automating the creation and maintenance of traceability links. She has co-authored “Software by Numbers, Low-Risk, High-Return Development” (Prentice-Hall, 2004) and “Software and Systems Traceability” (Springer, 2012). Dr. Cleland-Huang serves on the Editorial Board for IEEE Software, the Requirements Engineering Journal, and as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. She has been the recipient of the US National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award, and has served as Principle Investigator on grants worth $4 Million over the past 7 years. She has received four ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards, and the 2006 IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software: Theory and Practice, and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE Women in Engineering.