Group Work and Tabletop Interaction: Common Ground to Analyse Privacy Coordination in Awareness Systems

TitleGroup Work and Tabletop Interaction: Common Ground to Analyse Privacy Coordination in Awareness Systems
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsRomero, N. A., and P. Markopoulos
EditorCostabile, M F., and F. Paternò
Conference NameHuman-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005: IFIP TC13 International Conference
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Conference LocationRome, Italy

This paper discusses how Clark’s theory of Common Ground can beapplied to analyse how individuals connected by Awareness Systems conjointlymeet and coordinate their privacy needs. Relevant aspects of Common Groundtheory for the analysis of human communication behaviours are used in thisstudy to understand privacy as a collaborative coordination process. The expositionillustrates how Awareness Systems are a mechanism for helping individualsto meet their privacy needs rather than as a privacy threat, as a first impressionmight suggest.