This talk serves as a Computer Science Department and Informatics Department Seminar talk.
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Traditional program analyses cannot be used directly for Android apps because the programs are framework-based and event-driven. This talk describes recent advances in solving important static analysis problems for Android and outlines several open questions for software engineering researchers and tool builders.
An Android application is driven by a graphical user interface. GUI objects and the event handlers associated with them ultimately determine the possible flow of control and data. We developed the first static analyses to model GUI-related Android objects and the actions of their associated event handlers. The resulting control-flow model - the window transition graph - was subsequently used for test generation, detection of energy-related defects, and responsiveness profiling. We also discuss generalizations of the control-flow analysis to wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches). The talk will describe these techniques and their role as building blocks for analysis, testing, and profiling of Android and Android Wear apps.
Atanas (Nasko) Rountev is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ohio State University. His research interests are in software analysis, understanding, testing, and optimization. His recent work has been focused on analysis and testing of Android applications. He has served on the program committees of over 25 conferences and workshops, and currently is a member of the editorial board of ACM TOSEM. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, a Lumley Research Award from Ohio State University, research awards from IBM and Google, and an ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award.