ISR Bibliography

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Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "Impacts of Privacy Laws and Regulations on Personalized Systems", PEP06, CHI 2006 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Montréal, Canada, April 22, 2006.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "Impacts of Privacy Laws and Regulations on Personalized Systems", PEP06, CHI 2006 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Montréal, Canada, April 22, 2006.
van der Hoek, A., D. G. Kay, and D. J. Richardson, "Informatics: A Novel, Contextualized Approach to Software Engineering Education", Software Engineering Education in the Modern Age: Challenges and Possibilities, PostProceedings of ICSE '05 Education and Training Track, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4309: Springer. November, pp. 147–165, 2006.
Kobsa, A., and J. Fink, "An LDAP-Based User Modeling Server and its Evaluation", User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization ResearchUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research, vol. 16, no. 2, 2006.
Redmiles, D., L. - T. Cheng, D. Damian, J. Herbsleb, and W. Kellogg, "Panel: Collaborative Software Engineering – New and Emerging Trends", ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2006), Supplemental Proceedings, Banff, Canada, pp. 237-239, November, 2006.
Wang, Y., A. Kobsa, A. van der Hoek, and J. White, "PLA-based Runtime Dynamism in Support of Privacy-Enhanced Web Personalization", Tenth International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2006) , Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp. 151-160, August, 2006.
Kobsa, A., R. K. Chellappa, and S. Spiekermann, "Privacy-Enhanced Personalization", Proceedings of CHI-2006 (Extended Abstracts), Montréal, Canada, to appear, pp. 1331-1334, 2006.
Kobsa, A., R. K. Chellappa, and S. Spiekermann, Proceedings of CHI-2006 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, , Montréal, Canada, 2006.
Kobsa, A., R. K. Chellappa, and S. Spiekermann, Proceedings of PEP06, CHI 2006 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, , Montréal, Canada, 2006.
Fisher, D., and B. Nardi, "Soylent and ContactMap: Tools for Constructing the Social Workscape.", Integrated Workscapes, Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006.
Kammer, P., and R. N. Taylor, "An Architectural Style for Supporting Work Practice: Coping with the Complex Structure of Coordination", International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS'05), St. Louis, MO, May 15-19, 2005.
van der Hoek, A., D. Kay, and D. J. Richardson, "A B.S. Degree in Informatics: Contextualizing Software Engineering Education", Twenty-seventh International Conference on Software Engineering (Education Track), St. Louis, MI, pp. 641–642, 2005.
Kobsa, A., and M. Teltzrow, "Contextualized Communication of Privacy Practices and Personalization Benefits: Impacts on Users’ Data Sharing Behavior", Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Fourth International Workshop, PET 2004, Toronto, Canada, vol. LNCS 3424, Heidelberg, Germany, Springer Verlag, pp. 329-343, 2005.
Mark, G., and A. Kobsa, "The Effects of Collaboration and System Transparency on CIVE Usage: An Empirical Study and Model", Presence, vol. 14, no. 1: MIT Press, pp. 60-80, 2005.
Kay, D. G., A. van der Hoek, and D. J. Richardson, "Extending Undergraduate CS Programs With Informatics:Emphasizing Software and System Design in Context", Tenth Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 367, July, 2005.
Williams, A., E. Kabisch, and P. Dourish, "From Interaction to Participation: Configuring Space through Embodied Interaction", Intl. Conf. Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2005), Tokyo, Japan, September, 2005.
Kay, D. G., A. van der Hoek, and D. J. Richardson, "Informatics: A Focus on Computer Science in Context", SIGCSE 2005 Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 551–555, February, 2005.
Patil, S., and A. Kobsa, "Privacy in Collaboration: Managing Impression", First International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, Las Vegas, NV, 2005.
Kobsa, A., and L. Cranor, Proceedings of the UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization (PEP05), , Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.
Kobsa, A., and L. Cranor, Proceedings of the UM05 Workshop 'Privacy-Enhanced Personalization', , Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.
Garello, P., S. Iacono, A. Kobsa, G. Lacoste, and E. Goderniaux, Proceedings of the Workshop on the Collaboration between FP6/ISTand NSF/ITR Projects, , Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2005.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "A Software Product Line Approach for Handling Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization", PEP05, UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 35-45, 2005.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "A Software Product Line Approach for Handling Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization", PEP05, UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 35-45, 2005.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "A Software Product Line Approach for Handling Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization", PEP05, UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 35-45, 2005.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "A Software Product Line Approach for Handling Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization", PEP05, UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 35-45, 2005.
