ISR Bibliography

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Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Helping Users with Information Disclosure Decisions: Potential for Adaptation", ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2013), Santa Monica, CA, pp. 407-416, March 19-22, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Helping Users with Information Disclosure Decisions: Potential for Adaptation", ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2013), Santa Monica, CA, pp. 407-416, March 19-22, 2013.
Koehne, B., M. J. Bietz, and D. Redmiles, "Identity Design in Virtual Worlds", 4th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2013), Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 56-71, June 10-13, 2013.
Javanmardi, S., D. W. McDonald, R. Caruana, S. Forouzan, and C. V. Lopes, "Learning to Detect Vandalism in Social Content Systems: A Study on Wikipedia", Mining Social Networks and Security Informatics, pp. 203-225, June, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive SystemsACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, October, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive SystemsACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, October, 2013.
Khademi, M., M. Fan, H. Mousavi Hondori, and C V. Lopes, "Multi-Perspective Multi-Layer Interaction on Mobile Device (poster abstract)", adjunct publication of the 26th annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '13), Honolulu, Hawaii, ACM, pp. 65-66, Oct. 5-8, 2013.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "A PLA-Based Privacy-Enhancing User Modeling Framework and its Evaluation", User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization ResearchUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research, vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 41-82, 03/2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and H. Jin, "Preference-based Location Sharing: Are More Privacy Options Really Better? ", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), Paris, France, pp. 2667-2676, April 27 - May 2, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and H. Jin, "Preference-based Location Sharing: Are More Privacy Options Really Better? ", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), Paris, France, pp. 2667-2676, April 27 - May 2, 2013.
Kow, Y.. M., and B. A. Nardi, "Regulating Anti-Social Behavior on the Internet: The Example of League of Legends", IConference, Fort Worth, TX, iSchools, pp. 616-622, Feb. 12-15, 2013.
H. Hondori, M., M.. Khademi, L.. Dodakian, S.C.. Cramer, and C. V. Lopes, "A Spatial Augmented Reality Rehab System for Post-stroke Hand Rehabilitation", 2013 Conference on Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (NextMed/MMVR20), San Diego, CA, Feb. 20-23, 2013.
Lemos, A. Otavio Laz, A. Carvalho de Paula, G. Konishi, J. Ossher, S. Bajracharya, and C. Lopes, "Using Thesaurus-Based Tag Clouds to Improve Test-Driven Code Search", 7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse (SBCARS), Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil , IEEE, pp. 99-108, Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 2013.
Page, X., B. P. Knijnenburg, and A. Kobsa, "What a Tangled Web We Weave: Lying Backfires in Location-Sharing Social Media", 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), San Antonio, TX, pp. 273-284, Feb. 23-27, 2013.
Page, X., B. P. Knijnenburg, and A. Kobsa, "What a Tangled Web We Weave: Lying Backfires in Location-Sharing Social Media", 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), San Antonio, TX, pp. 273-284, Feb. 23-27, 2013.
Hondori, H. M., M. Khademi, A. McKenzie, L. Dodakian, C. V. Lopes, and S. C. Cramer, "Abstract T MP43: Utility of Augmented Reality in Relation to Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation (poster abstract)", Stroke, vol. 45, no. Suppl 1, San Diego, CA, pp. ATMP43-ATMP43, Feb. 1, 2014.
Retti, J.., W.. Bibel, B.. Buchberger, E.. Buchberger, W.. Horn, A. Kobsa, I.. Steinacker, R.. Trappl, and H.. Trost, "Artificial Intelligence - Eine Einführung", XLeitfäden der angewandten Informatik (Book 2), Stuttgart, Teubner, 2014.
Koehne, B., "Collaboration Strategies Employed in a Virtual World while Performing Distributed Usability Inspections", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2014.
Khademi, M., H. Mousavi Hondori, A. McKenzie, L. Dodakian, C V. Lopes, and S. C. Cramer, "Comparing Direct and Indirect Interaction in Stroke Rehabilitation", SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). Extended abstract., Toronto, Canada, ACM, pp. 1639-1644, April 26-May 1, 2014.
Khademi, M., H. Mousavi Hondori, A. McKenzie, L. Dodakian, C V. Lopes, and S. C. Cramer, "Free-Hand Interaction with Leap Motion Controller for Stroke Rehabilitation", SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). Extended abstract., Toronto, Canada, ACM, pp. 1663-1668, April 26-May 1, 2014.
Kou, Y., and B. Nardi, "Governance in League of Legends: A Hybrid System", Foundations of Digital Games, At Sea (Fort Lauderdale, FL to Cozumel, Mexico), April 3-7, 2014.
Wu, H., B. P. Knijnenburg, and A. Kobsa, "Improving the prediction of users’ disclosure behavior… by making them disclose more predictably?", Workshop on Privacy Personas and Segmentation held in conjunction with the 2014 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Menlo Park, CA, July 9, 2014.
Wu, H., B. P. Knijnenburg, and A. Kobsa, "Improving the prediction of users’ disclosure behavior… by making them disclose more predictably?", Workshop on Privacy Personas and Segmentation held in conjunction with the 2014 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Menlo Park, CA, July 9, 2014.
Knijnenburg, B., and A. Kobsa, "Increasing Sharing Tendency Without Reducing Satisfaction: Finding the Best Privacy-Settings User Interface for Social Networks", 35th International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, December 14-17, 2014.
Knijnenburg, B., and A. Kobsa, "Increasing Sharing Tendency Without Reducing Satisfaction: Finding the Best Privacy-Settings User Interface for Social Networks", 35th International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, December 14-17, 2014.
