ISR Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Penzenstadler, B.., B. Tomlinson, E.. Baumer, M.. Pufal, A.. Raturi, D.. Richardson, B.. Cakici, R.. Chitchyan, G.. Da Costa, L.. Dombrowski, et al., "ICT4S 2029: What Will Be the Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years?", Second International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 30-39, August, 2014.
Penzenstadler, B.., B. Tomlinson, E.. Baumer, M.. Pufal, A.. Raturi, D.. Richardson, B.. Cakici, R.. Chitchyan, G.. Da Costa, L.. Dombrowski, et al., "ICT4S 2029: What Will Be the Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years?", Second International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 30-39, August, 2014.
Penzenstadler, B., D. Richardson, B. Tomlinson, K. Fleischmann, C. Becker, L. Nathan, E. Blevis, B. Karlin, J. Norton, and A. Raturi, "ICT for Sustainability–Current and future research directions", iConference 2015, Workshop on ICT for Sustainability – Current and future research directions, Newport Beach, CA, March, 2015.
Penzenstadler, B., D. Richardson, B. Tomlinson, K. Fleischmann, C. Becker, L. Nathan, E. Blevis, B. Karlin, J. Norton, and A. Raturi, "ICT for Sustainability–Current and future research directions", iConference 2015, Workshop on ICT for Sustainability – Current and future research directions, Newport Beach, CA, March, 2015.
Cervantes, R., J. Richardson, and B. Nardi, ""I Am a Black Cat, Letting Day Come and Go": Multimodal Conversations in a Poetry Workshop", System Sciences, 2009. HICSS '09. 42nd Hawaii International Conference on, pp. 1-10, 5-8 Jan. 2009.
Lindtner, S., B. Nardi, Y. Wang, S. Mainwaring, H. Jing, and W. Liang, "A hybrid cultural ecology: world of warcraft in China", Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, San Diego, CA, USA, ACM, pp. 371-382, 2008.
Shih, P. C., D. H. Nguyen, S. H. Hirano, D. F. Redmiles, and G. R. Hayes, "GroupMind: supporting idea generation through a collaborative mind-mapping tool", Proceedings of the ACM 2009 international conference on Supporting group work, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, ACM, pp. 139-148, 2009.
Marsh, T., and B. Nardi, "Framing Activity-Based Narrative in Serious Games Play-Grounds Through Objective and Motive", Second Joint International Conference on Serious Games (JCSG 2016), vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9894, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Springer, pp. 204-213, Sept 26-27, 2016.
Scacchi, W., C. Brown, and K. A. Nies, "Exploring the Potential of Virtual Worlds for Decentralized Command and Control", Intern. Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Fairfax, VA, pp. Paper 096, June 19-21, 2012.
Scacchi, W., C. Brown, and K. A. Nies, "Exploring the Potential of Computer Games for Decentralized Command and Control", Intern. Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Fairfax, VA, pp. Paper 104, June 19-21, 2012.
Shamekhi, A., M. Czerwinski, G. Mark, M. Novotny, and G. Bennett, "An Exploratory Study Toward the Preferred Conversational Style for Compatible Virtual Agents", International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA2016), Los Angeles, CA, pp. 40-50, September, 2016.
Nistor, E. C., and A. van der Hoek, "Explicit Concern-Driven Development with ArchEvol", Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
Nguyen, D. H., A. Kobsa, and G. R. Hayes, "An empirical investigation of concerns of everyday tracking and recording technologies", Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, Seoul, Korea, ACM, pp. 182-191, 2008.
Sajnani, H., R. Naik, and C. V. Lopes, "Easing Software Evolution: A Change-data and Domain-driven Approach ", India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC), Kanpur, India, February 22-25, 2012.
Blyth, P.., B. Nardi, M.. Mladenović, N. Su, and H.. Ekbia, "Driving the Self-driving Vehicle: Expanding the Technological Design Horizon.", International Symposium on Technology and Society Technical Expertise and Public Decisions (ISTAS), Dublin, Ireland, IEEE, November , 2015.
Naslavsky, L., R. S. Silva Filho, C. R. B. De Souza, M. Dias, D. J. Richardson, and D. Redmiles, "Distributed Expectation-Driven Residual Testing", Second International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS 04), held in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.
Fischer, G., A. Mørch, K. Nakakoji, and D. Redmiles, "Designing for Reflective Practitioners: Sharing and Assessing Progress by Diverse Communities, Extended Abstract", 2004 Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI 2004), Vienna, Austria, pp. 1711-1712, April, 2004.
Li, Y.., B.. Knijnenburg, A. Kobsa, and C.. Nguyen, "Cross-Cultural Privacy Prediction", Privacy Personas and Segmentation Workshop, 2015 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Ottawa, Canada, July 22-24, 2015.
Raghavan, B., B. Nardi, S. T. Lovell, J. Norton, B. Tomlinson, and D. J. Patterson, "Computational Agroecology: Sustainable Food Ecosystem Design", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 423-435, May, 2016.
Raghavan, B., B. Nardi, S. T. Lovell, J. Norton, B. Tomlinson, and D. J. Patterson, "Computational Agroecology: Sustainable Food Ecosystem Design", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 423-435, May, 2016.
Kou, Y., and B. Nardi, "Complex Mediation in the Formation of Political Opinions", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, pp. Paper No. 636, April 21-26, 2018.
Wang, Y., M. Niiya, G. Mark, S. M. Reich, and M. Warschauer, "Coming of Age (Digitally): An Ecological View of Social Media Use among College Students", 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 571-582, March, 2015.
Ford, C., D. Gardner, L. Elaine Horgan, C. Liu, B. Nardi, and J. Rickman, "Chat Speed OP PogChamp: Practices of Coherence in Massive Twitch Chat", 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '17), Denver, CO, pp. 858-871, May 6-11, 2017.
Mangano, N., A. Baker, M. Dempsey, E. O. Navarro, and A. van der Hoek, "Calico: A Tool for Early Software Design Sketching", Workshop on Sketch Tools for Diagramming, pp. 51–56, 2008.
Cervantes, R., and B. Nardi, "Building a Mexican Startup Culture over the Weekends", 4th International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration (ICIC '12), Bengaluru, India, March 21-23, 2012.
