ISR Bibliography

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Clemmensen, T., V. Kaptelinin, and B. Nardi, "Making HCI Theory Work: An analysis of the use of activity theory in HCI research", Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 35, issue 8, pp. 608-627, May 4, 2016.
Leonard, P. M., B. A. Nardi, and J. Kallinikos, Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World, : Oxford University Press, USA, pp. 384, 2012.
Johnson, K. L., J. F. Carr, M. S. Day, and F. Kaashoek, "The Measured Performance of Content Distribution Networks", 5th International Web Caching and Content Delivery Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2000.
Lutellier, T.., D.. Chollak, J.. Garcia, L.. Tan, D.. Rayside, N.. Medvidovic, and R.. Kroeger, "Measuring the Impact of Code Dependencies on Software Architecture Recovery Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online early access: Feb 20, vol. 44, issue 2, pp. 159-181, February, 2018.
Kow, Y. M., and B. Nardi, "Mediating Contradictions of Digital Media", UC Irvine Law ReviewUC Irvine Law Review, vol. 2, no. 2, June, 2012.
Shin, E-J., D. Ghosh, A. Gupta, G. Pal Singh, N. Joshi, and A. Kobsa, "Message of Interest: A Framework of Location-Aware Messaging for an Indoor Environment", The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCOM 2016), Sydney, Australia, IEEE, March, 2016.
Patil, S., A. Kobsa, A. John, and D. Seligmann, "Methodological Reflections on a Field Study of a Globally Distributed Software Project", Information and Software Technology, Special Issue on Studying Work Practices in Global Software EngineeringInformation and Software Technology, Special Issue on Studying Work Practices in Global Software Engineering, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 969-980, September, 2011.
Djorgovski, S.G.., P. Hut, R. Knop, G. Longo, S. McMillan, E. Vesperini, C. Donalek, M. Graham, A. Mahabal, F. Sauer, et al., "The MICA Experiment: Astrophysics in Virtual Worlds", SLACTIONS 2012 International Research Conference on Virtual Worlds – Life, Imagination, and Work using Metaverse Platforms, pp. 49-57, Nov. 15-17, 2012.
Nardi, B. A., V. Kaptelinin, and K. Foot, The MIT Press Series - Acting with Technology, , 2012.
Mark, G., K. Carpenter, and A. Kobsa, "A Model of Synchronous Collaborative Information Visualization", Seventh International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV03), London, UK, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, July 16-18, 2003.
Hendrickson, S. A., Y. Wang, A. van der Hoek, R. N. Taylor, and A. Kobsa, "Modeling PLA Variation of Privacy-Enhancing Personalized Systems", 13th International Software Product Line Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 71-80, August 24-28, 2009.
Hondori, H.. M., M.. Khademi, and C. V. Lopes, "Monitoring Intake Gestures using Sensor Fusion (Microsoft Kinect and Inertial Sensors) for Smart Home Tele-Rehab Setting", IEEE HIC 2012 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference on Healthcare Innovation, Houston, TX, Nov 7-9, 2012.
Mark, G., I. Guy, S. Kremer-Davidson, and M. Jacovi, "Most Liked, Fewest Friends: Patterns of enterprise social media use", 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW '14), Vancouver, Canada, ACM, pp. 393-404, Mar. 14-18, 2014.
Khademi, M., M. Fan, H. Mousavi Hondori, and C V. Lopes, "Multi-Perspective Multi-Layer Interaction on Mobile Device (poster abstract)", adjunct publication of the 26th annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '13), Honolulu, Hawaii, ACM, pp. 65-66, Oct. 5-8, 2013.
Meyer, S.., C.. Pierce, Y.. Kou, P.. Leonardi, B. Nardi, and D.. Bailey, "Offshoring Digital Work, But Not Physical Output: Differential Access to Task Objects and Coordination in Globally Distributed Automotive Engineering and Graphic Design Work", 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, Hawaii, pp. 1758-1687, January, 2015.
Nardi, B., and J. Kallinikos, "Opening the Black Box of Digital Technologies: Mods in World of Warcraft", 23rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July, 2007.
Khademi, M.., H.. M. Hondori, and C. V. Lopes, "Optical Illusion in Augmented Reality", 18th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '12), Toronto, Canada, pp. 195-196, Dec 10-12, 2012.
Redmiles, D., L. - T. Cheng, D. Damian, J. Herbsleb, and W. Kellogg, "Panel: Collaborative Software Engineering – New and Emerging Trends", ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2006), Supplemental Proceedings, Banff, Canada, pp. 237-239, November, 2006.
Zhu, Z., Y. Zhang, H-S. Ko, P. Martins, J. Saraiva, and Z. Hu, "Parsing and Reflective Printing, Bidirectionally", 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE '16), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 2-14, Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2016.
Wang, Y., and A. Kobsa, "Performance Evaluation of a Privacy-Enhancing Framework for Personalized Websites", User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, vol. 5535: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 78-89, 2009.
Kobsa, A., and J. Fink, "Performance Evaluation of User Modeling Servers Under Real-World Workload Conditions", 9th International Conference on User Modeling (UM '03), Johnstown, PA, Springer Verlag, June 22-26, 2003.
Kaye, J., and P. Dourish, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing: Special issue on science fiction and ubiquitous computing, , vol. 18(4), April, 2014.
Ardissono, L., A. Kobsa, and M. Maybury, Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers, , Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
