ISR Bibliography

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Schaefer, S., "Informing Information (IT) Design: Multiple Differential Boundary Objects in California Public Higher Education Curricular Articulation", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2004.
Patil, S., and A. Kobsa, "Instant Messaging and Privacy", HCI 2004 - The 18th British HCI Group Annual Conference, Leeds, England, pp. 85-88, September, 2004.
Lüer, C., and A. van der Hoek, "JPloy: User-Centric Deployment Support in a Component Platform", Second International Working Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2004), collocated with ICSE 2004, pp. 190–204, May 20-21, 2004.
Schwab, I., A. Kobsa, and I. Koychev, "Learning User Interests through Positive Examples Using Content Analysis and Collaborative Filtering", User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction - UMUAIUser Modeling and User-adapted Interaction - UMUAI, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 469-475, 2004.
Haghighat, A., C. Lopes, T. Givargis, and A. Mandal, "Location-Aware Web System", Workshop on Building Software for Pervasive Computing, in conjunction with OOPSLA’04, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October, 2004.
Roshandel, R., A. van der Hoek, M. Mikic-Rakic, and N. Medvidović, "Mae - A System Model and Environment for Managing Architectural Evolution", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 240-276, April, 2004.
Naslavsky, L., M. Dias, and D. J. Richardson, "Multiply-Deployed Residual Testing at the Object Level", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE2004), Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2004.
Sarma, A., and A. van der Hoek, "A Need Hierarchy for Teams", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-04-9: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, October, 2004.
Sarma, A., A. van der Hoek, and L-T. Cheng, "A Need-Based Collaboration Classification Framework", 1st Workshop on Eclipse as a Vehicle for CSCW Research, held in conjunction with OOPSLA 2004, Chicago, IL, pp. 16–20, 2004.
Scacchi, W.., Opportunities and Challenges for Modeling and Simulating Free/Open Source Software Processes, working paper, based on a Keynote Address presented at the Proc. 5th. Intern. Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004, , Institute for Software Research, October, 2004.
Suryanarayana, G., J. R. Erenkrantz, S. A. Hendrickson, and R. N. Taylor, "PACE: An Architectural Style for Trust Management in Decentralized Applications", 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, Oslo, Norway, pp. 221-230, June, 2004.
Redmiles, D., and K. Nakakoji, "Panel on Design: Supporting Reflective Practitioners", 26th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 688-690, May, 2004.
Ardissono, L., A. Kobsa, and M. Maybury, Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers, , Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Silva Filho, R. S., and D. F. Redmiles, "Preserving Versatility in Event-Based Middleware", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-04-7: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, October, 2004.
Taylor, R. N., and M. B. Dwyer, Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGSOFT Twelfth International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, , New York, NY, ACM Press, pp. 274, November 2004.
Redmiles, D., A. Mørch, K. Nakakoji, and G. Fischer, "Proceedings of the CHI 2004 Workshop on Designing for Reflective Practitioners", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-04-2: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, April, 2004.
Jensen, C., and W. Scacchi, "Process Modeling Across the Web Information Infrastructure", 5th. Intern. Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling (ProSIM), in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 24-25, 2004.
Bergman, M., G. Mark, and K. Lyttinnen, "Redefining Boundary Objects: An Examination of System Design", International Conference on Organizational Discourse, Amsterdam, July 28-30, 2004.
Dourish, P., R. Grinter, J. Delgado de la Flor, and M. Joseph, "Security in the Wild: User Strategies for Managing Security as an Everyday, Practical Problem", Personal and Ubiquitous ComputingPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 391-401, November, 2004.
Colan, M., Service-Oriented Architecture expands the vision of Web services, Part 1, , 2004.
Oh Navarro, E., and A. van der Hoek, "SimSE: An Interactive Simulation Game For Software Engineering Education", Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2004), Kauai, Hawaii, August 16-18, 2004.
Fisher, D., and P. Dourish, "Social and Temporal Structures in Everyday Collaboration", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2004), Vienna, Austria, pp. 551-558, April 24-29, 2004.
Smith, I., A. LaMarca, S. Consolvo, and P. Dourish, "A Social Approach to Privacy in Location-Enhanced Computing", Workshop on Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2004), Linz, Austria, April 18-23, 2004.
Muramatsu, J., "Social Regulations of Online Multiplayer Games", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2004.
Scacchi, W., "Socio-Technical Design", The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2004.
