Dashofy, E. M., H. Asuncion, S. A. Hendrickson, G. Suryanarayana, J. C. Georgas, and R. N. Taylor,
"ArchStudio 4: An Architecture-Based Meta-Modeling Environment",
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), vol. Informal Research Demonstrations, Companion Volume, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 67-68, May 20-26, 2007.
Mangano, N., A. Baker, and A. van der Hoek,
"ArchTrace: VBoard: A Sketch Based Approach to Abstract Design",
Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, Riverside, CA, August, 2007.
Oh Navarro, E., and A. van der Hoek,
"Comprehensive Evaluation of an Educational Software Engineering Simulation Environment",
Twentieth Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET 2007), Dublin, Ireland, pp. 195–202, July 3-5, 2007.
Sarma, A., A. van der Hoek, and D. Redmiles,
"A Comprehensive Evaluation of Workspace Awareness in Software Configuration Management Systems",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-07-2: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, June, 2007.
Sarma, A., D. Redmiles, and A. van der Hoek,
"A Comprehensive Evaluation of Workspace Awareness in Software Configuration Management Systems",
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing. Short paper, Coeur d'Alène, Idaho, pp. 23–26, September, 2007.
Redmiles, D., A. van der Hoek, B. Al-Ani, T. Hildenbrand, S. Quirk, A. Sarma, R. Silva Filho, C. R. B. de Souza, and E. Trainer,
"Continuous Coordination: A New Paradigm to Support Globally Distributed Software Development Projects",
Withschaftsinformatik, vol. 49, pp. S28–S38, 2007.
Redmiles, D., A. van der Hoek, B. Al-Ani, T. Hildenbrand, S. Quirk, A. Sarma, R. Silva Filho, C. R. B. de Souza, and E. Trainer,
"Continuous Coordination: A New Paradigm to Support Globally Distributed Software Development Projects",
Withschaftsinformatik, vol. 49, pp. S28–S38, 2007.
Almeida da Silva, I., M. Alvim, R. Ripley, A. Sarma, C. Werner, and A. van der Hoek,
"Designing Software Cockpits for Coordinating Distributed Software Development",
1st Workshop on Measurement-based Cockpits for Distributed Software and Systems Engineering Projects (SOFTPIT 2007), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Munich, Germany, pp. 14–19, August 27-30, 2007.
Nardi, B. A., S. Ly, and J. Harris,
"Learning Conversations in World of Warcraft",
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007), Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2007.
Hendrickson, S. A., and A. van der Hoek,
"Modeling Product Line Architectures through Change Sets and Relationships",
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, MN, pp. 189-198, May 20-26, 2007.
Hendrickson, S. A., and A. van der Hoek,
"Modeling Product Line Architectures through Change Sets and Relationships",
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, MN, pp. 189-198, May 20-26, 2007.
Reddy, M., and P. Dourish,
"Representation, Coordination, and Information Artifacts in Medical Work",
Resources, Co-Evolution, and Artifacts: Theory in CSCW, New York, Kluwer, pp. 167-192, 2007.
De Souza, C. R. B., T. Hildenbrand, and D. Redmiles,
"Toward Visualization and Analysis of Traceability Relationships in Distributed and Offshore Software Development Projects",
First International Conference on Software Engineering Approaches For Offshore and Outsourced Development (SEAFOOD), Zurich, Switzerland, February 5-6, 2007.
Sarma, A., G. Bortis, and A. van der Hoek,
"Towards Supporting Awareness of Indirect Conflicts across Software Configuration Management Workspaces",
Twenty-second IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2007), Atlanta, GA, pp. 94-103, November 5-9, 2007.
Ripley, R., A. Sarma, and A. van der Hoek,
"A Visualization for Software Project Awareness and Evolution",
Fourth International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, Alberta, Canada, pp. 137-144, 2007.
Mangano, N., A. Baker, and A. van der Hoek,
"Calico: A Prototype Sketching Tool for Modeling in Early Design",
Second International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2008), held in conjunction with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany, May 10-11, 2008.
Murta, L. P. G., A. van der Hoek, and C. M. L. Werner,
"Continuous and Automated Evolution of Architecture-to-Implementation Traceability Links",
Automated Software Engineering, Special Issue on Selected Papers from the 21st International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'2006), vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 75-107, 2008.
Al-Ani, B., E. Trainer, R. Ripley, A. Sarma, A. van der Hoek, and D. Redmiles,
"Continuous Coordination within the Context of Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering",
First International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2008), held in conjunction with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany, ACM, pp. 1-4, May 13, 2008.
Mark, G., D. Hausstein, and U. Kloecke,
"The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed, More Stress",
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, ACM Press, pp. 107-110, April 5-10, 2008.
Sarma, A., D. Redmiles, and A. van der Hoek,
"Empirical evidence of the benefits of workspace awareness in software configuration management",
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of software engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, ACM, pp. 113-123, 2008.
Nguyen, D. H., A. Kobsa, and G. R. Hayes,
"An empirical investigation of concerns of everyday tracking and recording technologies",
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, Seoul, Korea, ACM, pp. 182-191, 2008.