Conference Proceedings
Dashofy, E. M., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor,
"An Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of XML-based Architecture Description Languages",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, ACM, pp. 266-276, May, 2002.
Linstead, E., L. Hughes, C. Lopes, and P. Baldi,
"Information-Theoretic Metrics for Project-Level Scattering and Tangling",
International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), Redwood City, CA, July 1-3, 2010.
Dourish, P., G. Hayes, I. Irani, S. Lindtner, B. Nardi, D. Patterson, and B. Tomlinson,
"Informatics at UC Irvine, position paper",
CHI 2008, Research Landscapes, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2008.
Kay, D. G., A. van der Hoek, and D. J. Richardson,
"Informatics: A Focus on Computer Science in Context",
SIGCSE 2005 Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 551–555, February, 2005.
Clemm, G., R. Conradi, A. van der Hoek, W. Tichy, and D. Wiborg-Weber,
"Impact of the Research Community for the Field of Software Configuration Management",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, May, 2002.
Baker, A., E. Oh Navarro, and A. van der Hoek,
"An Experimental Card Game for Teaching Software Engineering",
16th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET '03), Madrid, Spain, pp. 216–223, March, 2003.
Lüer, C., D. S. Rosenblum, and A. van der Hoek,
"The Evolution of Software Evolvability",
International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), Vienna, Austria, pp. 131-134, September, 2001.
Garg, A., M. Critchlow, P. Chen, C V. der Westhuizen, and A. van der Hoek,
"An Environment for Managing Evolving Product Line Architectures",
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2003), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 358-367, September 22-26, 2003.
Nguyen, D., A. Kobsa, and G. Hayes,
"An Empirical Investigation of Concerns of Everyday Tracking and Recording Technologies",
Tenth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Seoul, South Korea , September 21-24, 2008.
Dourish, P., and A. van der Hoek,
"Émigré: Metalevel Architecture and Migratory Work",
Fourth International Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (Mobile HCI 2002), Pisa, Italy, August, 2002.
Van der Westhuizen, C., P. Chen, and A. van der Hoek,
"Emerging Design: New Roles and Uses for Abstraction",
Workshop on the Role of Abstraction in Software Engineering: Organizational, Managerial and Cognitive Perspectives, May, 2006.
Chen, P. S., M. Critchlow, A. Garg, C V. der Westhuizen, and A. van der Hoek,
"Differencing and Merging within an Evolving Product Line Architecture",
Fifth International Workshop on Product Family Engineering (PFE-5), Siena, Italy, pp. 269-281, November 4-6, 2003.
Almeida da Silva, I., M. Alvim, R. Ripley, A. Sarma, C. Werner, and A. van der Hoek,
"Designing Software Cockpits for Coordinating Distributed Software Development",
1st Workshop on Measurement-based Cockpits for Distributed Software and Systems Engineering Projects (SOFTPIT 2007), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Munich, Germany, pp. 14–19, August 27-30, 2007.
van der Hoek, A., and N. Lopez,
"A Design Perspective on Modularity",
Tenth International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2011), Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, March, 2011.
Mangano, N., M. Dempsey, N. Lopez, and A. van der Hoek,
"A Demonstration of a Distributed Software Design Sketching Tool",
Thirty-third International Conference on Software Engineering, Demonstration Track, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, ACM, May, 2011.
Mark, G., D. Hausstein, and U. Kloecke,
"The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed, More Stress",
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, ACM Press, pp. 107-110, April 5-10, 2008.
Al-Ani, B., E. Trainer, R. Ripley, A. Sarma, A. van der Hoek, and D. Redmiles,
"Continuous Coordination within the Context of Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering",
First International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2008), held in conjunction with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany, ACM, pp. 1-4, May 13, 2008.
Al-Ani, B., A. Sarma, G. Bortis, I. Almeida da Silva, E. Trainer, A. van der Hoek, and D. Redmiles,
"Continuous Coordination (CC): A New Collaboration Paradigm",
Workshop on Supporting the Social Side of Large Scale Software Development, in conjunction with CSCW 2006, Banff, Canada, pp. 69-72, November 4, 2006.
Sarma, A., and A. van der Hoek,
"A Conflict Detected Earlier is a Conflict Resolved Easier",
Fourth Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 82–86, May 25, 2004.
van der Hoek, A.,
"Configuration Management and Open Source Projects",
3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet, Limerick, Ireland, June 6, 2000.