Stufflebeam, W., A. I. Antón, and T. A. Alspaugh,
"SMaRT -- Scenario Management and Requirements Tool, Research Demo",
11th IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'03), Monterey, CA, pp. 351, September 8-12, 2003.
Alspaugh, T. A., and A. I. Antón,
"Scenario Networks: A Case Study of the Enhanced Messaging System",
Seventh International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ '01), Interlaken, Switzerland, pp. 113-124, June, 2001.
Antón, A. I., J. B. Earp, C. Potts, and T. A. Alspaugh,
"The Role of Policy and Stakeholder Privacy Values in Requirements Engineering",
Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'01), Toronto, Canada, pp. 138-145, August, 2001.
Alspaugh, T. A., A. I. Antón, T. Barnes, and B. W. Mott,
"An Integrated Scenario Management Strategy",
RE'99: Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, June, 1999.
Alspaugh, T. A., and A. I. Antón,
"Contrasting Use Case, Goal-Driven and Scenario Analysis for the Euronet Quotation System, Poster Presentation.",
Eleventh IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03), Monterey, CA, September 8-12, 2003.
Alspaugh, T. A., and A. I. Antón,
"Contrasting Use Case, Goal and Scenario Analysis for the Euronet Quotation System, Poster Presentation",
Eleventh IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03), Monterey, CA, pp. 355-356, September 8-12, 2003.