ISR Bibliography

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Ekbia, H.., and B.. A. Nardi, "Inverse Instrumentality: How Technologies Objectify Patients and Players", Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Blyth, P.., B. Nardi, M.. Mladenović, N. Su, and H.. Ekbia, "Driving the Self-driving Vehicle: Expanding the Technological Design Horizon.", International Symposium on Technology and Society Technical Expertise and Public Decisions (ISTAS), Dublin, Ireland, IEEE, November , 2015.
Ekbia, H.., B. Nardi, and S.. Š. abanović, "On the Margins of the Machine: Heteromation and Robotics", iConference, Newport Beach, CA, IDEALS., March, 2015.