ISR Bibliography

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Georgas, J. C., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor, "Using Architectural Models to Manage and Visualize Runtime Adaptation", ComputerComputer, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 52-60, 2009.
Dashofy, E. M., N. Medvidović, and R. N. Taylor, "Using Off-the-Shelf Middleware to Implement Connectors in Distributed Software Architectures", 21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'99), Los Angeles, CA, pp. 3-12, May 16-22, 1999.
Ren, J., and R. N. Taylor, "Utilizing Commercial Object Libraries within Loosely-coupled, Event-based Systems", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004), Cambridge, MA, November 9-11, 2004.
Ren, J., and R. N. Taylor, "Visualizing Software Architecture with Off-The-Shelf Components", Fifteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2003), San Francisco, CA, pp. 132-141, July 1-3, 2003.
Taylor, R., and D. Redmiles, "WebDAV", SIGSOFT Software Engineering NotesSIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, vol. 25, no. 1, January, 2000.
Khare, R., M. Guntersdorfer, P. Oreizy, N. Medvidović, and R. N. Taylor, "xADL: Enabling Architecture-Centric Tool Integration with XML", 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), Software mini-track, Maui, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2001.
Zheng, Y., and R. N. Taylor, "xMapper: An Architecture-Implementation Mapping Tool (Informal Research Demonstration)", International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2012.
