ISR Bibliography

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Bagheri, H., J. Garcia, A. Sadeghi, S. Malek, and N. Medvidovic, "Software Architectural Principles in Contemporary Mobile Software: From Conception to Practice", Journal of Systems and Software, June 1, 2016, vol. 119, pp. 31-44, September 30, 2016.
Malek, S., H. Bagheri, J. Garcia, and A. Sadeghi, "Security and Software Engineering", Handbook of Software Engineering, Editors: Sungdeok Cha, Richard N. Taylor, Kyo C. Kang: Springer International, 2019.
Hammad, M., J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "SALMA: Self-Protection of Android Systems from Inter-Component Communication Attacks", 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018), Montpellier, France, pp. 726-737, September, 2018.
Mirzaei, N., J. Garcia, H. Bagheri, A. Sadeghi, and S. Malek, "Reducing Combinatorics in GUI Testing of Android Applications", 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, TX, ACM, pp. 559-570, May, 2016.
Garcia, J., and S. Malek, Path-Sensitive Analysis of Message-Controlled Communication for Android Apps, , no. UCI-ISR-16-4: UCI Institute for Software Research, September, 2016.
Medvidović, N., M. Mirakhorli, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "Message from the Workshop Chairs ECASE 2017", 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Establishing the Community-Wide Infrastructure for Architecture-Based Software Engineering (ECASE), Buenos Aires, Argentina, IEEE Press, pp. vii, May 22, 2017.
Lutellier, T.., D.. Chollak, J.. Garcia, L.. Tan, D.. Rayside, N.. Medvidovic, and R.. Kroeger, "Measuring the Impact of Code Dependencies on Software Architecture Recovery Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online early access: Feb 20, vol. 44, issue 2, pp. 159-181, February, 2018.
Jabbarvand, R., A. Sadeghi, J. Garcia, S. Malek, and P. Ammann, "EcoDroid: An Approach for Energy-Based Ranking of Android Apps", 4th International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2015), Florence, Italy, pp. 8 - 14, May, 2015.
Medvidovic, N., S. Malek, M. Mirakhorli, and J. Garcia, "ECASE 2017 Workshop Summary", 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Establishing the Community-Wide Infrastructure for Architecture-Based Software Engineering (ECASE 2017) , Buenos Aires, Argentina, IEEE Press, pp. 1, May 22, 2017.
Bagheri, H., A. Sadeghi, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "COVERT: Compositional Analysis of Android Inter-App Security Vulnerabilities", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE), vol. 41, issue 9, pp. 866-886, 09/2015.
Garcia, J., M. Hammad, N. Ghorbani, and S. Malek, "Automatic Generation of Inter-Component Communication Exploits for Android Applications", 1th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 661-671, Sept 4-8, 2017.