ISR Bibliography

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Su, N., H. Wilensky, D. Redmiles, and G. Mark, "The Gospel of Knowledge Management in and out of a Professional Community", ACM International Conference on Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'07), Sanibel Island, FL, pp. 197-206, November 4-7, 2007.
Mark, G., "The Supporting Role of Paper in Multi-tasking", 2nd International Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents (CoPADD'07), London, UK, November 9, 2007.
Abrams, S., and G. Mark, "Transitioning to Network-Centricity: Overcoming Hierarchical Anchors", ACM Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT'07), Boston, MA, March, 2007.
Su, N., and G. Mark, "Workplace Connectors as Facilitators for Work", 3rd International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2007), East Lansing, MI, June, 2007.
Lee, C., P. Dourish, and G. Mark, "The Human Infrastructure of Cyberinfrastructure", ACM Conference on CSCW (CSCW'06), Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp. 483-492, 2006.
Su, N. M., Y. Wang, G. Mark, T. Aieylokun, and T. Nakano, "A Bosom Buddy Afar Brings a Distant Land Near: Are Bloggers a Global Community?", 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Milan, Italy, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 171-190, June 13-16, 2005.
Abrams, S., and G. Mark, "Differential Interaction and Attribution in Collocated and Distributed Large-scale Collaboration", 38th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS 2005): IEEE Computer Society Press, January, 2005.
Mark, G., and A. Kobsa, "The Effects of Collaboration and System Transparency on CIVE Usage: An Empirical Study and Model", Presence, vol. 14, no. 1: MIT Press, pp. 60-80, 2005.
Gonzalez, V., and G. Mark, "Managing Currents of Work: Multi-tasking among Multiple Collaborations", 8th European Conference of Computer-supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW'03), Paris, France, Sept. 18-22, 2005.
Gonzalez, V., and G. Mark, "Managing Currents of Work: Multi-tasking among Multiple Collaborations", 8th European Conference of Computer-supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW'05), Paris, France, September 18-22, 2005.
Mark, G., V. Gonzalez, and J. Harris, "No Task Left Behind? Examining the Nature of Fragmented Work", ACM CHI'05, Portland, OR, pp. 321-330, April, 2005.
Su, N. M., Y. Wang, and G. Mark, "Politics as Usual in the Blogosphere", Fourth Workshop on Social Intelligence in Design, Stanford University, March 24-26, 2005.
Gonzalez, V., and G. Mark, "Constant, Constant, Multi-tasking Craziness: Managing Multiple Working Spheres", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'04), Vienna, Austria, ACM, 2004.
Mark, G., M. Bergman, and S. Poltrock, "Expanding Horizons of Requirements Engineering: Examining Requirements during Groupware Tool Diffusion", 12th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'04), Kyoto, Japan, IEEE Press, Sept. 6-10, 2004.
Bergman, M., G. Mark, and K. Lyttinnen, "Redefining Boundary Objects: An Examination of System Design", International Conference on Organizational Discourse, Amsterdam, July 28-30, 2004.
Mark, G., K. Carpenter, and A. Kobsa, "Are There Benefits in Seeing Double? A Study of Collaborative Information Visualization", ACM Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2003). Short paper: Fort Lauderdale, FL, pp. 273-274, April 5-10, 2003.
Bradner, E., G. Mark, and T. Hertel, "Effects of Team Size on Participation, Awareness, and Technology Choice in Geographically Distributed Teams", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), January 6-9, 2003.
Mark, G., S. Abrams, and N. Nassif, "Group-to-Group Distance Collaboration: Examining the “Space Between”", 8th European Conference of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW '03), Helsinki, Finland, pp. 99-118, September 14-18, 2003.
Bergman, M., and G. Mark, "In Situ Requirements Analysis: A Deeper Examination of the Relationship between Requirements Formation and Project Selection", 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE '03), Monterey Bay, CA, September 8-12, 2003.
Poltrock, S., and G. Mark, "Implementation of Data Conferencing in the Boeing Company", Implementing Collaboration Technologies in Industry: Case Examples and Lessons Learned, London, Springer, pp. 129-158, 2003.
De Souza, C. R. B., D. F. Redmiles, G. Mark, J. Penix, and M. Sierhuis, "Management of Interdependencies in Collaborative Software Development: A Field Study", ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE 2003), Rome, Italy, pp. 294-303, September 30 , 2003.
Mark, G., K. Carpenter, and A. Kobsa, "A Model of Synchronous Collaborative Information Visualization", Seventh International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV03), London, UK, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, July 16-18, 2003.
Jeffrey, P., and G. Mark, "Navigating the Virtual Landscape: Coordinating the Shared Use of Space", Designing Information Spaces: The Social Navigation Approach, Berlin, Springer Verlag, pp. 105-124, 2003.
