ISR Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Increasing Trustworthiness through Security Testing Support", Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on, Minneapolis, MN, IEEE , pp. 920-925, August 20-22, 2010.
Winbladh, K., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "iMuse: interactive model-based use-case and storytelling environment", Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, ACM, pp. 383-384, 2010.
Dias, M. S., and D. J. Richardson, "Identifying Cause and Effect Relations between Events in Concurrent Event-Based Components", 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '02), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September, 2002.
Penzenstadler, B.., B. Tomlinson, E.. Baumer, M.. Pufal, A.. Raturi, D.. Richardson, B.. Cakici, R.. Chitchyan, G.. Da Costa, L.. Dombrowski, et al., "ICT4S 2029: What Will Be the Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years?", Second International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 30-39, August, 2014.
Penzenstadler, B., D. Richardson, B. Tomlinson, K. Fleischmann, C. Becker, L. Nathan, E. Blevis, B. Karlin, J. Norton, and A. Raturi, "ICT for Sustainability–Current and future research directions", iConference 2015, Workshop on ICT for Sustainability – Current and future research directions, Newport Beach, CA, March, 2015.
Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Formality of the Security Specification Process: Benefits Beyond Requirements", Proceedings of the 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1-6, 2010.
Winbladh, K., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Eliciting required characteristics for usable requirements engineering approaches", Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, ACM, pp. 360-364, 2009.
Naslavsky, L., R. S. Silva Filho, C. R. B. De Souza, M. Dias, D. J. Richardson, and D. Redmiles, "Distributed Expectation-Driven Residual Testing", Second International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS 04), held in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.
Marcu, G., S. J. Kaufman, J K. Lee, R. W. Black, P. Dourish, G. R. Hayes, and D. J. Richardson, "Design and evaluation of a computer science and engineering course for middle school girls", Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, ACM, pp. 234-238, 2010.
Vieira, M., M. Dias, and D. J. Richardson, "Describing Dependencies in Component Access Points", 4th Workshop on Component Based Software Engineering, held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '01), Toronto, Canada, pp. 115-118, May, 2001.
Liu, C., and D. J. Richardson, "Component Interoperability Analysis in RAIC", Seventh Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, Austin, TX, December 3-5, 2003.
Diallo, M. H., J. Romero-Mariona, S E. Sim, T. A. Alspaugh, and D. J. Richardson, "A Comparative Evaluation of Three Approaches to Specifying Security Requirements", 12th Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ'06), Luxembourg, Grand-Ducky of Luxembourg, June 5-6, 2006.
Vieira, M., and D. J. Richardson, "Classifying and Dealing with Dependencies in Large Component-Based Systems", Fifteenth International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering & their Applications (ICSSEA 2002), Paris, France, December, 2002.
Liu, C., and D. J. Richardson, "Automated Security Checking and Patching Using TestTalk", 15th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '00), Grenoble, France, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 261-264, September 11-15, 2000.
Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. Richardson, "ASSURE: automated support for secure and usable requirements engineering", Proceedings of the 2010 international symposium on Software testing and analysis, Trento, Italy, ACM, pp. 279-282, July 12-16, 2010.
Winbladh, K., T. A. Alspaugh, H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Architecture-based Testing Using Goals and Plans", Second International Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis (ROSATEA'06), Portland, ME, July, 2006.
Xu, L., H. Ziv, D. J. Richardson, and T. A. Alspaugh, "An Architectural Pattern for Non-functional Dependability Requirements", Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2005) held in conjunction with ICSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, May, 2005.
Dias, M., and D. J. Richardson, "Architecting Dependable Systems with xMonEve, an Extensible Event Description Language for Monitoring", Fifteenth International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering & their Applications (ICSSEA 2002), Paris, France, December, 2002.
Vieira, M., D. J. Richardson, and M. Dias, "Analyzing System-level Dependence in the Presence of COTS Software Components", Seventh IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2003), Marina del Rey, CA, November, 2003.
Vieira, M. E. R., M. S. Dias, and D. J. Richardson, "Analyzing Software Architectures with Argus-I", International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), Limerick, Ireland, pp. 758-761, June 4-11, 2000.
Vieira, M., M. Dias, and D. J. Richardson, "Analyzing Software Architectures Based on Statechart Semantics", 21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 21), Limerick, Ireland, June, 2000.
Book Chapter
Diallo, M. H., L. Naslavsky, T. A. Alspaugh, H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Toward Architecture Evaluation Through Ontology-based Requirements-level Scenarios", Architecting Dependable Systems VArchitecting Dependable Systems V, 5135 : Springer, pp. 225-247, 2008.
Dias, M., and D. J. Richardson, "The Role of Event Description on Architecting Dependable Systems", Architecting Dependable Systems, vol. 2677: Spring-Verlag, 2003.
van der Hoek, A., D. G. Kay, and D. J. Richardson, "Informatics: A Novel, Contextualized Approach to Software Engineering Education", Software Engineering Education in the Modern Age: Challenges and Possibilities, PostProceedings of ICSE '05 Education and Training Track, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4309: Springer. November, pp. 147–165, 2006.
Raturi, A., B. Tomlinson, and D. Richardson, "Green Software Engineering Environments", Green in Software Engineering, pp. 31-59, 2015.
