Conference Paper
Bagheri, H., and S. Malek,
"Titanium: Efficient Analysis of Evolving Alloy Specifications",
24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2016), Seattle, WA, ACM, pp. 27-38, Nov 13-18, 2016.
Mirzaei, N., H. Bagheri, R. Mahmood, and S. Malek,
"SIG-Droid: Automated System Input Generation for Android Applications",
IEEE 26th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2015), Gaithersbury, MD, IEEE, pp. 461 - 471, November, 2015.
Mirzaei, N., J. Garcia, H. Bagheri, A. Sadeghi, and S. Malek,
"Reducing Combinatorics in GUI Testing of Android Applications",
38th International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, TX, ACM, pp. 559-570, May, 2016.
Bagheri, H., A. Sadeghi, R. Jabbarvand, and S. Malek,
"Practical, Formal Synthesis and Autonomic Enforcement of Security Policies for Android",
46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2016), Toulouse, France, June, 2016.
Jabbarvand, R., A. Sadeghi, H. Bagheri, and S. Malek,
"Energy-Aware Test-Suite Minimization for Android Apps",
25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2016), Saarbrücken, Germany, ACM, pp. 425-436, July, 2016.
Bagheri, H.., J.. Wang, J.. Arets, and S. Malek,
"Efficient, Evolutionary Security Analysis of Interacting Android Apps",
34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2018), Madrid, Spain, pp. 357-368, September, 2018.
Hammad, M.., H.. Bagheri, and S.. Malek,
"Determination and Enforcement of Least-Privilege Architecture in Android",
IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Gothenburg, Sweden, IEEE, pp. 59-68, Apr 3-7, 2017.
Bagheri, H., E. Kang, S. Malek, and D. Jackson,
"Detection of Design Flaws in Android Permission Protocol through Bounded Verification",
20th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2015), Oslo, Norway, pp. 73-89, June, 2015.
Malek, S., H. Bagheri, and A. Sadeghi,
"Automated Detection and Mitigation of Inter- Application Security Vulnerabilities in Android",
2nd International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile (DeMobile 2014), Hong Kong, China, pp. 17-18, November, 2014.
Schmerl, B., J. Gennari, A. Sadeghi, H. Bagheri, S. Malek, J. Camara, and D. Garlan,
"Architecture Modeling and Analysis of Security in Android Systems",
10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2016), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 274-290, 11/2016.
Sadeghi, A., H. Bagheri, and S. Malek,
"Analysis of Android Inter-App Security Vulnerabilities Using COVERT",
37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), Demonstrations Track, Florence, Italy, May, 2015.