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Semaan, B., and G. Mark, "Creating a Context of Trust with ICTs: Restoring a Sense of NOrmalcy in the Environment", ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'11), Hangzhou, China, March 19-23, 2011.
Mark, G., D. Hausstein, and U. Kloecke, "The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed, More Stress", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, ACM Press, pp. 107-110, April 5-10, 2008.
Wang, Y., and G. Mark, "The Context of College Students’ Facebook Use and Academic Performance: An Empirical Study ", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, April 21-26, 2018.
Mark, G., M. Czerwinski, G. Bell, R. Pea, A. Dey, A. Soojung-Kim, and M. Mazmanian, "Constantly connected: At what price and with what rewards?", 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2016) Companion, San Francisco, CA, ACM, pp. 204-209, February, 2016.
Gonzalez, V., and G. Mark, "Constant, Constant, Multi-tasking Craziness: Managing Multiple Working Spheres", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'04), Vienna, Austria, ACM, 2004.
Mark, G., and N. Su, "Considering Web 2.0 Technologies within an Ecology of Collaborations", Workshop on Adaptation and Personalisation in Social Systems: Groups, Teams, Communities, held in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on User Modelling, Corfu, Greece, June, 2007.
Li, J., M. X. Zhou, H. Yang, and G. Mark, "Confiding in and Listening to Virtual Agents: The Effect of Personality", 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '17), Limassol, Cyprus , ACM, pp. 275-286, March 13-16, 2017.
Grudin, J.., G. Mark, and J.. Riedl, "Conference-Journal Hybrids", Communications of the ACM, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 44-49, January, 2013.
Bellamine-Ben Saoud, N., and G. Mark, "Complexity Theory and Collaboration: An Agent-Based Simulator for a Space Mission Design Team", Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 113-146, June, 2007.
Wang, Y., A.. Echenique, M.. Shelton, and G. Mark, "A Comparative Evaluation of Multiple Chat Stream Interfaces for Information-intensive Environments", 31st Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’13), Paris, France, ACM, pp. 2717-2720, Apr. 27 - May 2, 2013.
Wilensky, H., N. Su, D. Redmiles, and G. Mark, " A Community of Knowledge Management Practitioners: Mirroring Power across Social Worlds", Knowledge Management in Action (KMIA 2008), held in conjunction with the 20th IFIP World Computer Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 195-207, Sept 7-10, 2008.
Su, N., and G. Mark, "Communication Chains and Multi-tasking", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, pp. 83-92, April 5-10, 2008.
Wang, Y., M. Niiya, G. Mark, S. M. Reich, and M. Warschauer, "Coming of Age (Digitally): An Ecological View of Social Media Use among College Students", 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 571-582, March, 2015.
Mark, G., and B. Semaan, "Collaboration Resilience: Technology as a Resource for New Patterns of Action", ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008), San Diego, CA, ACM Press, November 8-12, 2008.
Czerwinski, M., R.. Gilad-Bachrach, S.. Iqbal, and G.. Mark, "Challenges for Designing Notifications for Affective Computing Systems", 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct (UbiComp '16), Heidelberg, Germany, ACM Press, pp. 1554-1559, Sept 12-16, 2016.
Mark, G., S. Iqbal, M. Czerwinski, and P. Johns, "Capturing the Mood: Facebook and face-to-face encounters in the workplace", 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW '14), Vancouver, Canada, ACM, pp. 1082-1094, Mar. 14-18, 2014.
Bergman, M., K. Lyytinen, and G. Mark, "Boundary Objects in Design: An Ecological View of Design Artifacts", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Special Issue on Systems Analysis and DesignJournal of the Association for Information Systems, Special Issue on Systems Analysis and Design, vol. 8, no. 11, November, 2007.
Su, N. M., Y. Wang, G. Mark, T. Aieylokun, and T. Nakano, "A Bosom Buddy Afar Brings a Distant Land Near: Are Bloggers a Global Community?", 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Milan, Italy, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 171-190, June 13-16, 2005.
Mark, G., S. T. Iqbal, M. Czerwinski, and P. Johns, "Bored Mondays and Focused Afternoons: The rhythm of attention and online activity in the workplace", SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'14), Toronto, Canada, ACM, pp. 3025-3034, Apr. 26- May 1, 2014.
Mark, G., M. Bagdouri, L. Palen, J. Martin, B. Al-Ani, and K. Anderson, "Blogs as a Collective War Diary", ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’12), Seattle, WA, February 11-15, 2012.
Al-Ani, B., G. Mark, and B. Semaan, "Blogging through conflict: sojourners in the age of social media", 3rd international conference on Intercultural collaboration (ICIC 2010), Copenhagen, Denmark, ACM, pp. 29-38, August 19-20, 2010.
Al-Ani, B., G. Mark, and B. Semaan, "Blogging in a region of conflict: supporting transition to recovery", Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ACM, pp. 1069-1078, April, 2010.
Mark, G., K. Carpenter, and A. Kobsa, "Are There Benefits in Seeing Double? A Study of Collaborative Information Visualization", ACM Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2003). Short paper: Fort Lauderdale, FL, pp. 273-274, April 5-10, 2003.
