ISR Bibliography

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DePaula, R., X. Ding, P. Dourish, K. A. Nies, B. Pillet, D. Redmiles, J. Ren, J. Rode, and R. S. Silva Filho, "Two Experiences Designing for Effective Security", Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2005), Pittsburgh, PA, July 6-8, 2005.
Rode, J., M. Blythe, and B. Nardi, "Qualitative Research in HCI", ACM Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Extended Abstracts, Austin, TX, May 5-10, 2012.
DePaula, R., X. Ding, P. Dourish, K. A. Nies, B. Pillet, D. Redmiles, J. Ren, J. Rode, and R S. Filho, "In the Eye of the Beholder: A Visualization-based Approach to Information System Security", International Journal of Human-Computer StudiesInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) Special Issue on HCI Research in Privacy and Security, vol. 64, no. 1-2, pp. 5-24, July 2005.