ISR Bibliography

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Book Chapter
Weyns, D., N. Bencomo, R. Calinescu, J. Camara, C. Ghezzi, V. Grassi, L. Grunske, P. Inverardi, J-M. Jezequel, S. Malek, et al., "Perpetual Assurances in Self-Adaptive Systems", Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (SEfSAS) 3, vol. 9640: Springer, pp. 31-63, 2018.
Malek, S., N. Beckman, M. Mikic-Rakic, and N. Medvidović, "A Framework for Ensuring and Improving Dependability in Highly Distributed Systems", Architecting Dependable Systems III: Springer Verlag, 2005.
