Hendrickson, S. A., E. M. Dashofy, and R. N. Taylor,
"An Approach for Tracing and Understanding Asynchronous Architectures. Short paper",
18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 318-322, October 6-10, 2003.
Hendrickson, S. A., E. M. Dashofy, and R. N. Taylor,
"An (Architecture-Centric) Approach for Tracing, Organizing, and Understanding Events in Event-Based Software Architectures",
13th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, in conjunction with ICSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, pp. 227-236, May 15-16, 2005.
Dashofy, E. M., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor,
"An Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of XML-based Architecture Description Languages",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, ACM, pp. 266-276, May, 2002.
Dashofy, E. M.,
"Issues in Generating Data Bindings for an XML Schema-Based Language",
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Dashofy, E., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor,
"Towards Architecture-Based Self-Healing Systems",
First ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Healing Systems, Charleston, South Carolina, ACM, pp. 21-26, November 18-19, 2002.
Dashofy, E. M., N. Medvidović, and R. N. Taylor,
"Using Off-the-Shelf Middleware to Implement Connectors in Distributed Software Architectures",
21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'99), Los Angeles, CA, pp. 3-12, May 16-22, 1999.