Penzenstadler, B., A. Rauturi, C. Becker, J. Norton, B. Tomlinson, S. Silberman, and D. Richardson,
"Bridging communities: ICT4Sustainability @iConference 2015",
Interactions, vol. 23, issue 1: ACM, pp. 64-67, Jan-Feb, 2016.
Raghavan, B., B. Nardi, S. T. Lovell, J. Norton, B. Tomlinson, and D. J. Patterson,
"Computational Agroecology: Sustainable Food Ecosystem Design",
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 423-435, May, 2016.
Tomlinson, B., D. J. Patterson, and B. Nardi,
"A Report from an Online Course on Global Disruption and Information Technology",
Second Workshop on Computing within Limits (LIMITS '16), Irvine, CA, ACM, June 8-10, 2016.
Tomlinson, B., D. J. Patterson, and B. Nardi,
"Teaching Global Disruption and Information Technology Online",
interactions, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 40-43, Nov-Dec, 2016.