Servant, F., and J. A. Jones,
"History Slicing: Assisting Code-Evolution Tasks",
ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Cary, NC, pp. 43:1–43:11, November, 2012.
Asuncion, H. U., and R. N. Taylor,
"A Holistic Approach to Software Traceability ",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), Redwood City, CA, July 1-3, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., S. Bostandjiev, J. O'Donovan, and A. Kobsa,
"Inspectability and Control in Social Recommenders",
6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012), Dublin, Ireland, September 9-13, 2012.
Ekbia, H.., and B.. A. Nardi,
"Inverse Instrumentality: How Technologies Objectify Patients and Players",
Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Alspaugh, T. A., and W. Scacchi,
"Licensing Security. Position paper",
Fifth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW 2012), Chicago, IL, September, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa,
"Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-1: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, March, 2012.
Kow, Y. M., and B. Nardi,
"Mediating Contradictions of Digital Media",
UC Irvine Law ReviewUC Irvine Law Review, vol. 2, no. 2, June, 2012.
Djorgovski, S.G.., P. Hut, R. Knop, G. Longo, S. McMillan, E. Vesperini, C. Donalek, M. Graham, A. Mahabal, F. Sauer, et al.,
"The MICA Experiment: Astrophysics in Virtual Worlds",
SLACTIONS 2012 International Research Conference on Virtual Worlds – Life, Imagination, and Work using Metaverse Platforms, pp. 49-57, Nov. 15-17, 2012.
Gorlick, M., K. Strasser, and R. N. Taylor,
"Motile: Mobile Code for Decentralized On-Demand Tailored Services",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-3: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, April, 2012.
Gorlick, M. M., K. Strasser, and R. N. Taylor,
"Motile: Mobile Code to Support an Architectural Style for Adaptive Decentralized Applications",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-10: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, September, 2012.
Baquero, A., and R. Taylor,
"A Multidimensional Evaluation of Integrative E-commerce Architectures",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-9: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, September, 2012.
Khademi, M.., H.. M. Hondori, and C. V. Lopes,
"Optical Illusion in Augmented Reality",
18th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '12), Toronto, Canada, pp. 195-196, Dec 10-12, 2012.
Mark, G., S. Voida, and A. Cardello,
"“A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons”: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email",
Thirtieth annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’12), Austin, TX, ACM Press. Honorable mention for Best Paper., May 5-10, 2012.
Nardi, B.,
"A Paradox of Play: Autonomy and Discipline in Video Gaming",
International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '12), Raleigh, NC, May 29 - June 1, 2012.
Sajnani, H., J. Ossher, and C. V. Lopes,
"Parallel Code Clone Detection Using MapReduce",
International Conference on Program Comprehension 2012. Poster paper, Passau, Germany, June 11-13, 2012.
Philip, K., L. Irani, and P. Dourish,
"Postcolonial Computing: A Tactical Survey",
Science, Technology, and Human ValuesScience, Technology, and Human Values, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 3-29, January, 2012.
Kobsa, A., S. Patil, and B. Meyer,
"Privacy in Instant Messaging: An Impression Management Model",
Behavior and Information TechnologyBehavior and Information Technology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 355-370, April, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and G. Saldamli,
"Privacy in Mobile Personalized Systems: The Effect of Disclosure Justifications",
Workshop on Usable Privacy and Security for Mobile Devices (U-PriSM), 2012 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, Washington, DC, July 11-13, 2012.