Mangano, N., and A. van der Hoek,
"The Design and Evaluation of a Tool to Support Software Designers at the Whiteboard",
Journal of Automated Software Engineering, Special Issue: Selected Topics in Automated Software Engineering, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1-41, March, 2012.
Scacchi, W., and T. Alspaugh,
"Designing Secure Systems Based on Open Architectures with Open Source and Closed Source Components",
The 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems: Long-term Sustainability (OSS 2012), Hammamet, Tunisia, September 10-13, 2012.
Kobsa, A., Y. Chen, and T. Wang,
"Discovering Personal Behavioral Rules in a Health Management System",
Pervasive Health 2012 Workshop on Wellness Interventions and HCI, San Diego, CA, May 21, 2012.
Al-Ani, B., Y. Wang, S. Marczak, E. Trainer, and D. F. Redmiles,
"Distributed Developers and the Non-Use of the Web 2.0 Technologies: A Proclivity Model",
IEEE Seventh International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2012), Porto Alegre, Brazil, pp. 104-113, August 27-30, 2012.
Su, N. M., H. N. Wilensky, and D. F. Redmiles,
"Doing Business with Theory: Communities of Practice in Knowledge Management",
Computer-supported Cooperative Work, Special Issue: Knowledge Management in Action, vol. 21, no. 2-3, pp. 111-162, June, 2012.
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"DOJ: Dynamically Parallelizing Object-Oriented Programs",
ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, February, 2012.
Sajnani, H., R. Naik, and C. V. Lopes,
"Easing Software Evolution: A Change-data and Domain-driven Approach ",
India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC), Kanpur, India, February 22-25, 2012.
Al-Ani, B., G. Mark, J. Chung, and J. Jones,
"The Egyptian Blogosphere: A Counter-Narrative of the Revolution",
ACM 2012 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '12). Honorable Mention for Best Paper, Seattle, WA, pp. 17-26, February 11-15, 2012.
Koehne, B., and D. F. Redmiles,
"Envisioning Distributed Usability Evaluation through a Virtual World Platform",
5th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), held at ICSE 2012 , Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 73-75, June 2, 2012.
Valadares, A., T. Debeauvais, and C. V. Lopes,
"Evolution of Scalability with Synchronized State in Virtual Environments",
IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games (HAVE), Munich, Germany, pp. 142-147, Oct. 8-9, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., N. Rao, and A. Kobsa,
"Experimental Materials Used in the Study of Inspectability and Control in Social Recommender Systems",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-4, Irvine, CA, Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, April, 2012.
Scacchi, W., C. Brown, and K. A. Nies,
"Exploring the Potential of Computer Games for Decentralized Command and Control",
Intern. Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Fairfax, VA, pp. Paper 104, June 19-21, 2012.
Scacchi, W., C. Brown, and K. A. Nies,
"Exploring the Potential of Virtual Worlds for Decentralized Command and Control",
Intern. Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Fairfax, VA, pp. Paper 096, June 19-21, 2012.
Semaan, B., and G. Mark,
"‘Facebooking’ Towards Crisis Recovery and Beyond: Disruption as an Opportunity",
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’12), Seattle, WA, February 11-15, 2012.
Dorn, C., R. N. Taylor, and S. Dustdar,
"Flexible Social Workflows: Collaborations as Human Architecture",
IEEE Internet ComputingIEEE Internet Computing, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 72-77, March-April, 2012.
Trainer, E. H., and D. F. Redmiles,
"Foundations for the Design of Visualizations that Support Trust in Distributed Teams",
International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI '12), Capri Island (Naples), Italy , pp. 34-41, May 21-25, 2012.
Scacchi, W.,
The Future of Research in Computer Games and Virtual World Environments: Workshop Report,
: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, Technical Report UCI-ISR-12-8, July, July, 2012.
Baker, A., A. van der Hoek, H. Ossher, and M. Petre,
"Guest Editor's Introduction: Studying Professional Software Design",
IEEE Software, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 28-33, January/February, 2012.
Khademi, M.., H.. M. Hondori, L.. Dodakian, S.C.. Cramer, and C. V. Lopes,
"Haptic Augmented Reality to Monitor Human Arm's Stiffness in Rehabilitation",
2012 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 892- 895, Dec. 17-19, 2012.