ISR Bibliography

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Taylor, R. N., "Predicting the Future of Computers in Schools – A Reflection Paper?", Reflections on the History of Computers in Education: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 339-346, 2014.
Taylor, R. N., "Predicting the Future of Computers in Schools – A Reflection Paper?", Reflections on the History of Computers in Education: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 339-346, 2014.
Penzenstadler, B., A. Raturi, D. Richardson, and B. Tomlinson, "Safety, Security, Now Sustainability: The Nonfunctional Requirement for the 21st Century", IEEE Software, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 40-47, May-June, 2014.
Baquero, A., and R. Taylor, "Secure and Customizable EHR Management Services with COASTmed", 4th International Symposium on Foundations on Software Engineering in Health Care, held with the 6th International Workshop on Sofwtare Engineering in Healthcare (FHIES/SEHC 2014), Washington D. C., July 17-18, 2014.
Kobsa, A., R. Nithyanand, G. Tsudik, and E. Uzun, "Can Jannie Verify? Usability of Display-Equipped RFID Tags for Security Purposes", Journal of Computer Security Journal of Computer Security, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 347-370, July, 2013.
Zheng, Y., and R. N. Taylor, "A Classification and Rationalization of Model-based Software Development. Invited "Expert's Voice"", Software & Systems Modeling , vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 669-678, October, 2013.
Tomlinson, W.., E.. Blevis, B. A. Nardi, D. Patterson, S.. Silberman, and Y.. Pan, "Collapse Informatics and Practice: Theory, Method, and Design", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, special issue on Sustainable HCI through Everyday Practices, vol. 20, issue 4, no. 4, 09/2013.
MacGregor, D., M. Baba, A. Oliva, A. Collins McLaughlin, W. Scacchi, B. Scassellati, P. Rubin, R. M. Mason, and J. R. Spohrer, "Convergence Platforms: Human-Scale Convergence and the Quality of Life", Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies, Science Policy Reports, New York, Springer, pp. 53-93, 2013.
Dorn, C., and R. N. Taylor, "Coupling Software Architecture and Human Architecture for Collaboration-aware System Adaptation", 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), San Francisco, CA, IEEE Press, pp. 53-62, May, 2013.
Al-Ani, B., M. J. Bietz, Y. Wang, E. Trainer, B. Koehne, S. Marczak, D. Redmiles, and R. Prikladnicki, "Globally Distributed System Developers: Their Trust Expectations and Processes", Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), San Antonio, TX, pp. 563-574, Feb. 23-27, 2013.
Cao, J., M. Meador, M. L. Baba, P. Mathew Ferreira, M. Madou, W. Scacchi, J. R. Spohrer, C. Teague, P. Westmoreland, and X. Zhang, "Implications: Societal Collective Outcomes, Including Manufacturing", Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies, Science Policy Reports, New York, Springer, pp. 255-285, 2013.
Cao, J., M. Meador, M. L. Baba, P. Mathew Ferreira, M. Madou, W. Scacchi, J. R. Spohrer, C. Teague, P. Westmoreland, and X. Zhang, "Implications: Societal Collective Outcomes, Including Manufacturing", Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies, Science Policy Reports, New York, Springer, pp. 255-285, 2013.
Dourish, P., and M. Mazmanian, "Media as Material: Information Representations as Material Foundations for Organizational Practice", How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Gorlick, M. M., and R. N. Taylor, Motile: Reflecting an Architectural Style in a Mobile Code Language, , no. UCI-ISR-13-1: UCI Institute for Software Research, June, 2013.
Taylor, R. N., "The Role of Architectural Styles in Successful Software Ecosystems", 17th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC '13), Florence, Italy, ACM, pp. 2-4, August 26-30, 2013.
Boellstorff, T.., B. A. Nardi, C.. Pearce, and T.. L. Taylor, "Words with Friends: Writing Collaboratively Online", interactions, vol. September+October: ACM, 2013.
Dorn, C., and R. N. Taylor, "Analyzing Runtime Adaptability of Collaboration Patterns", International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2012) , Denver, CO, May 21-25 , 2012.
Dorn, C., and R. N. Taylor, "Architecture-Driven Modeling of Adaptive Collaboration Structures in Large-Scale Social Web Applications", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-5, Irvine, CA, Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, May, 2012.
Dorn, C., and R. N. Taylor, "Architecture-Driven Modeling of Adaptive Collaboration Structures in Large-Scale Social Web Applications", 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2012), Paphos, Cyprus, November 28-30, 2012.
Wang, Y., E. Trainer, B. Al-Ani, S. Marczak, and D. Redmiles, "Attitude and Usage of Collaboration Tools in GSE: A Practitioner Oriented Theory", 5th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), held at ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 135-137, June 2, 2012.
Asuncion, H. U., and R. N. Taylor, "Automated Techniques for Capturing Custom Traceability Links across Heterogeneous Artefacts", Software and Systems Traceability: Springer-Verlag, January, pp. 129-146, 2012.
Dorn, C., and R. N. Taylor, "Co-Adapting Collaborations and Software Architectures", International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) – NIER Track, Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2012.
Gorlick, M., K. Strasser, and R. N. Taylor, "COAST: Architectures for Decentralized On-Demand Tailored Services", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-2: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, April, 2012.
Gorlick, M., K. Strasser, and R. N. Taylor, "COAST: Architectures for Decentralized On-Demand Tailored Services", Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, August 20-24, 2012.
Gorlick, M. M., and R. N. Taylor, "Communication and Capability URLs in COAST-based Decentralized Services", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-11: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, December, 2012.
