ISR Bibliography

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Triandopoulos, N., M. T. Goodrich, D. Nguyen, O. Ohrimenko, C. Papamanthou, R. Tamassia, and C. Videira Lopes, Techniques for verifying search results over a distributed collection, , no. US 13/731,885, October 6, 2015.
Troshynski, E., C. Lee, and P. Dourish, "Accountabilities of Presence: Reframing Location-Based Systems", ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, pp. 487-496, April 5-10, 2008.
Tsudik, G., M. Burmester, A. Juels, A. Kobsa, D. Molnar, R. Di Pietro, and M. Rieback, "RFID Security and Privacy: Long-term Research or Short-term Tinkering? Invited Paper", First ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec '08), Alexandria, VA, pp. 160, March 31-April 2, 2008.
Turner, C., and D. J. Richardson, "Software Control and Strict Products Liability: A Technical Challenge to Current Legal Notion of Responsibility", IASTED International Conference Law and Technology (LAWTECH 2000), San Francisco, California, November, 2000.
