ISR Bibliography

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Kobsa, A., User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research, Volume 22, , Heidelberg, Germany, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
Kobsa, A., and L. Cranor, Proceedings of the UM05 Workshop 'Privacy-Enhanced Personalization', , Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.
Kobsa, A., and J. Schreck, "Privacy through Pseudonymity in User-Adaptive Systems", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 149-183, 2003.
Kobsa, A., "A Component Architecture for Dynamically Managing Privacy in Personalized Web-based Systems", Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Third International Workshop, PET 2003, Dresden, Germany, vol. LNCS 2760, Heidelberg, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 177-188, 2003.
Kobsa, A., B. P. Knijnenburg, and B. Livshits, "Let’s Do It at My Place Instead? Attitudinal and Behavioral Study of Privacy in Client-Side Personalization", SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), Toronto, Canada, pp. 81-90, April 26-May1, 2014.
Kobsa, A., R. Nithyanand, G. Tsudik, and E. Uzun, "Usability of Display-Equipped RFID Tags for Security Purposes", European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Leuven, Belgium, September 12-14, 2011.
Kobsa, A., "Privacy-Enhanced Web Personalization", The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag, pp. 628-670, 2007.
Kobsa, A., "Preface", Detlef Küpper: User Modeling for User-Specific Plan Generation and Presentation (in German), Amsterdam, Netherlands, IOS Press, 2003.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive SystemsACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, October, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B., "A User-Tailored Approach to Privacy Decision Support", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 07/2015.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, S. Moritz, and M. A. Svensson, "Exploring the Effects of Feed-forward and Feedback on Information Disclosure and User Experience in a Context-Aware Recommender System", UMAP 2011 Workshop on Decision Making and Recommendation Acceptance Issues in Recommender Systems, Girona, Spain, pp. 35-42, July 11-15, 2011.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-1: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, March, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and H. Jin, "Dimensionality of Information Disclosure Behavior", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Special Issue on Privacy Methodologies in HCI, December, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and H. Jin, "Counteracting the Negative Effect of Form Auto-Completion on the Privacy Calculus", 34th International Conference on Information Systems, Milan, Italy, Dec. 15-18, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and G. Saldamli, "Privacy in Mobile Personalized Systems: The Effect of Disclosure Justifications", Workshop on Usable Privacy and Security for Mobile Devices (U-PriSM), 2012 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, Washington, DC, July 11-13, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B. P., M. Willemsen, and A. Kobsa, "A Pragmatic Toolbox to Support the User-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems", 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Chicago, IL, October 23-27, 2011.
Knijnenburg, B. P., A. Kobsa, and H. Jin, "Preference-based Location Sharing: Are More Privacy Options Really Better? ", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), Paris, France, pp. 2667-2676, April 27 - May 2, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., S. Bostandjiev, J. O'Donovan, and A. Kobsa, "Inspectability and Control in Social Recommenders", 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012), Dublin, Ireland, September 9-13, 2012.
Knijnenburg, B., and A. Kobsa, "Increasing Sharing Tendency Without Reducing Satisfaction: Finding the Best Privacy-Settings User Interface for Social Networks", 35th International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, December 14-17, 2014.
Knijnenburg, B. P., and A. Kobsa, "Helping Users with Information Disclosure Decisions: Potential for Adaptation", ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2013), Santa Monica, CA, pp. 407-416, March 19-22, 2013.
Knijnenburg, B. P., N. Rao, and A. Kobsa, "Experimental Materials Used in the Study of Inspectability and Control in Social Recommender Systems", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-12-4, Irvine, CA, Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, April, 2012.
Kiczales, G., E. Hilsdale, C. Lopes, J. Lamping, and J. Hugunin, Integrated Development Environment for Aspect-Oriented Programming, , US, March 25, 2003.
Khare, R., and R. N. Taylor, "Extending the REpresentational State Transfer Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems", 26th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May, 2004.
Khare, R., and J. Whitehead, "WebDAV: Collaborative Web Authoring (Tutorial)", 9th International World Wide Web Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15 May, 2000.
Khare, R., and R. N. Taylor, "Extending the Representational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-03-8: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, September, 2003.
