ISR Bibliography

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Nardi, B., D. Schiano, M. Gumbrecht, and L. Swartz, "Why We Blog", Communications of the ACMCommunications of the ACM, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 41-46, December, 2004.
Nardi, B., Mind, Culture, and Activity Journal, : Taylor and Francis, Senior Editor.
Nardi, B., and Y M. Kow, "Digital imaginaries: How we know what we (think we) know about Chinese gold farming", First Monday, June, 2010.
Nardi, B., "A Paradox of Play: Autonomy and Discipline in Video Gaming", International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '12), Raleigh, NC, May 29 - June 1, 2012.
Nardi, B., "Appropriating Theory", Theory Development in Information: Reflecting on the Process, Austin, University of Texas Press, pp. 204-221, 2016.
Nardi, B., "Why I Haven't Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb or Anthropological Observations on the Political Economy of Digital Technology", General Anthropology, vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 1-9, Spring, 2018.
Nardi, B. A., "Beyond Bandwidth: Dimensions of Connection in Interpersonal Communication", Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 91-130, 2005.
Nardi, B. A., V. Kaptelinin, and K. Foot, The MIT Press Series - Acting with Technology, , 2012.
