Scacchi, W., C. Jensen, J. Noll, and M. Elliott,
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Scacchi, W., C. Lopes, G. Mark, B. Nardi, R. N. Taylor, D. Redmiles, and A. Kobsa,
"Decentralized Virtual Activities and Technologies: A Socio-Technical Approach",
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Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, ACM, pp. 315-320, 2010.
Scacchi, W., and C. Jensen,
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"Open EC/B: Electronic Commerce and Free/Open Source Software Development",
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Scacchi, W., and T. A. Alspaugh,
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Scacchi, W.,
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Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2nd: Wiley, 2001.
Scacchi, W., and T. Alspaugh,
"Understanding the Role of Licenses and Evolution in Open Architecture Software Ecosystems",
Journal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of Systems and Software, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 1479-1494, July, 2012.
Scacchi, W., and C. Jensen,
"Experiences in Discovering, Modeling, and Reenacting Open Source Software Development Processes",
Software Process Workshop, Unifying the Software Process Spectrum, Beijing, China, Springer-Verlag, pp. 442-469, 2006.
Scacchi, W..,
Opportunities and Challenges for Modeling and Simulating Free/Open Source Software Processes, working paper, based on a Keynote Address presented at the Proc. 5th. Intern. Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004,
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Scacchi, W.,
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Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year PerspectiveDesign Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective: Springer-Verlag, pp. 467-494, 2009.