ISR Bibliography

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Ripley, R., A. Sarma, and A. van der Hoek, "Using Visualizations to Analyze Workspace Activity and Discern Software Project Evolution", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-06-1: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, January, 2006.
Jurdak, R., P. Baldi, and C. V. Lopes, "U-MAC: A Proactive and Adaptive UWB Medium Access Control Protocol", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal (JWCMC), Special Issue on UWB Communications: Wiley, 2005.
Patil, S., and A. Kobsa, "Uncovering Privacy Attitudes in Instant Messaging", 5th ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group '05), Sanibel Island, FL, ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 101-104, 2005.
Lopes, C. V., and T. Ngo, "Unit-Testing Aspectual Behavior", Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs (WTAOP), held in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’05), Chicago, IL, March, 2005.
Mattmann, C. A., N. Medvidović, P. M. Ramirez, and V. Jakobac, "Unlocking the Grid", 8th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE-8), vol. 3489, St. Louis, MO, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, May 14-15, 2005.
Williams, M. C., J. P. Strakey, and W. A. Surdoval, "The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy Stationary Fuel Cell Program", Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources, vol. 143, no. 1-2, pp. 191-196, 2005.
Bajcharya, S K., T C. Ngo, and C V. Lopes, "On Using Net Options Value as a Value Based Design Framework", Seventh International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER) at ICSE'05, St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 1-3, May 15, 2005.
Bajracharya, S., T. Ngo, and C V. Lopes, "On Using Net Options Value as a Value Based Design Framework", 7th International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER) at ICSE'05, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2005.
Naslavsky, L., T. A. Alspaugh, D. J. Richardson, and H. Ziv, "Using Scenarios to Support Traceability", Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering (TEFSE'05), Long Beach, CA, November, 2005.
Scacchi, W., "Understanding Free/Open Source Software Evolution: Applying, Breaking and Rethinking the Laws of Software Evolution", Software Evolution, New York, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2004.
Roshandel, R., B. Schmerl, N. Medvidović, D. Garlan, and D. Zhang, "Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches", Fourth Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'04), Oslo, Norway, June, 2004.
Nottingham, M., "Understanding Web Services Attachments", BEA Dev2Dev, May 24, 2004.
Froehlich, J., and P. Dourish, "Unifying Artifacts and Activities in a Visual Tool for Distributed Software Development Teams", International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 387-396, May, 2004.
Kobsa, A., "User Experiments with Tree Visualization Systems", IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2004), Austin, TX, pp. 9-16, October 10-12, 2004.
Luër, C., "User-Centric Deployment Support in a Component Platform", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2004.
Ren, J., and R. N. Taylor, "Utilizing Commercial Object Libraries within Loosely-coupled, Event-based Systems", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004), Cambridge, MA, November 9-11, 2004.
Gasser, L., W. Scacchi, G. Ripoche, and B. Penne, "Understanding Continuous Design in F/OSS Projects", 16th Intern. Conf. on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, Paris, France, December, 2003.
Palen, L., and P. Dourish, "Unpacking "Privacy" for a Networked World", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2003), Fort Lauderdale, FL, New York: ACM, April 5-10, 2003.
Alspaugh, T. A., and A. I. Antón, "Use Case, Goal, and Scenario Analysis of the Euronet System: Comparing Methods and Results", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-03-12: Institute for Software Research, November, 2003.
Kobsa, A., "User Experiments with Tree Visualization Systems", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-03-11: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, November, 2003.
De Souza, C. R. B., H. L. R. Oliveira, C. R. P. da Rocha, K. M. Gonçalves, and D. F. Redmiles, "Using Critiquing Systems for Inconsistency Detection in Software Engineering Models", 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2003), San Francisco, CA, July 1-3, 2003.
van der Hoek, A., E. Dincel, and N. Medvidović, "Using Service Utilization Metrics to Assess the Structure of Product Line Architectures", 9th International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS 2003), Sydney, Australia, pp. 298–308, September 3-5, 2003.
Van der Westhuizen, C., and A. van der Hoek, "Understanding and Propagating Architectural Changes", Third Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2002 (WICSA 3), Montreal, Canada, pp. 95-109, August, 2002.
Scacchi, W., "Understanding the Requirements for Developing Open Source Software Systems", IEE Proceedings--Software, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 24-39, February, 2002.
Scacchi, W., "Understanding the Social, Technological, and Policy Implications of Open Source Software Development (position paper)", NSF Workshop on Open Source Software, Arlington, VA, January, 2002.
