ISR Bibliography

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Brewer, J., A. Williams, and P. Dourish, "A Handle on What's Going On: Combining Tangible Interfaces and Ambient Displays for Collaborative Groups", Tangible and Embodied Interaction '07, Baton Rouge, LA, pp. 3-10, 2007.
Brewer, J., and P. Dourish, "Imaging and Imagining the City, Position Paper", ACM CHI 2007 Workshop on Imaging the City , San Jose, CA, 2007.
Brewer, J., A. Bassoli, K. Martin, P. Dourish, and S. Mainwaring, "Aesthetic Journeys: Rethinking Urban Computing", ACM Conf. on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2008), Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 333-341, February 25-27, 2008.