ISR Bibliography

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Ossher, J., S. Bajracharya, and C. Lopes, "Automated dependency resolution for open source software", Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 130-140, 2-3 May 2010.
Linstead, E., P. Rigor, S. Bajracharya, C. Lopes, and P. Baldi, "Mining Concepts from Code with Probabilistic Topic Models", International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2007), Atlanta, GA, November, 2007.
Linstead, E., P. Rigor, S. Bajracharya, C. Lopes, and P. Baldi, "Mining Internet-Scale Software Repositories", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2007), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Dec 8-11, 2007.
Bajracharya, S., and C. Lopes, "Mining search topics from a code search engine usage log", 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2009 (MSR '09), pp. 111-120, 16-17 May 2009.
Bajracharya, S., J. Ossher, and C. Lopes, "Sourcerer: An internet-scale software repository", ICSE Workshop on Search-Driven Development-Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation, 2009 (SUITE '09), pp. 1-4, 16-16 May 2009.
Lemos, O., S. Bajracharya, J. Ossher, P. Masiero, and C. Lopes, "A Test-Driven Approach to Code Search and its Application to the Reuse of Auxiliary Functionality", Information and Software TechnologyInformation and Software Technology, vol. 53, no. 4, April, 2011.