ISR Bibliography

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Book Chapter
Cranor, L. F., J. Reagle, and M. S. Ackerman, "Beyond Concern: Understanding Net Users' Attitudes about Online Privacy", The Internet Upheaval: Raising Questions, Seeking Answers in Communications Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, pp. 47-70, 2000.
Conference Proceedings
Ackerman, M. S., "Developing for Privacy: Civility Frameworks and Technical Design", Tenth Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP 2000), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ACM, pp. 19-23, April 4-7, 2000.
McDonald, D. W., and M. S. Ackerman, "Expertise Recommender: A Flexible Recommendation System and Architecture", Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WORK (CSCW '00), Philadelphia, PA, pp. 231-240, December, 2000.
Elliott, M., M. S. Ackerman, and W. Scacchi, "Knowledge Work Artifacts: Kernel Cousins for Free/Open Source Software Development", ACM Conference on Support of Group Work (GROUP07), Sanibel Island, FL, pp. 177-186, Nov 4-7, 2007.
Lutters, W., M. S. Ackerman, J. Boster, and D. W. MacDonald, "Mapping Knowledge Networks in Organizations: Creating a Knowledge Mapping Instrument", American Information Systems Conference (AIS 2000), Long Beach, California, August 10-13, 2000.
Ackerman, M. S., and C. Halverson, "Organizational Memory: Processes, Boundary Objects, and Trajectories", Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (HICSS '99), Hawaii, IEEE Computer Society, January 5-8, 1999.
Ackerman, M. S., L F. Cranor, and J. Reagle, "Privacy in E-commerce: Examining User Scenarios and Privacy Preferences", First ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Denver, CO, pp. 1-8, 1999.
Journal Article
Ackerman, M. S., and D. W. McDonald, "Collaborative Support for Informal Information in Collective Memory Systems", Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 2, no. 3-4, pp. 333-347, 2000.
Ackerman, M. S., "The Intellectual Challenge of CSCW: The Gap Between Social Requirements and Technical Feasibility", Human-Computer InteractionHuman-Computer Interaction, vol. 15, no. 2-3, pp. 179-204, 2000.
Ackerman, M. S., and L. F. Cranor, "Privacy Critics", WEB Techniques, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 67-70, 1999.
Ackerman, M. S., T. Darrell, and D. J. Weitzner, "Privacy in Context", Human-Computer InteractionHuman-Computer Interaction, vol. 16, no. 2-4, pp. 167-176, 2001.
Ackerman, M. S., T. Darrell, and D. J. Weitzner, "Recontexualizing Privacy", Human-Computer Interaction, special issue on context-aware computing, vol. 16, pp. 167-176, 2001.
Ackerman, M. S., and C. Halverson, "Re-examining Organizational Memory", Communications of the ACMCommunications of the ACM, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 58-63, January, 2000.
Ackerman, M. S., and C. A. Halverson, "Reexamining organizational memory", Communications of the ACMCommunications of the ACM, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 58-64, 2000.